Chapter 2 - The Party

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I wake up naked in Lou's bed cuddled to his chest. It's already 4:00 pm since we were up late the night before. My hair is tangled and I realize I slept in my makeup so I gently take his arms off of me and slip out of bed. I head straight to the bathroom and hop into the shower. Fifteen minutes later and I'm out of the shower already applying my usual makeup. I'm just finishing up when the bathroom door opens and Louis comes in. He wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me closer.

"Good morning, baby. How long have you been up?"

"Um I don't know, about 45 minutes. I wanted to clean myself up for you."

We leave the bathroom and he starts to make coffee. "So Naomi, I was thinking we should go out tonight. Maybe to a party? Would you like that?"

"Yeah I would." I blush. "Whose party?"

"My friend Harry. He throws hardcore parties but you should be okay with me."

"Lou, I can handle myself at a party. I've gone to plenty."

"Yeah I's just I know how you get around drugs and alcohol. You do too much and get wild. I get worried."

"Whatever, Louis. I know my limits and I can handle myself. We'll go, but you're not my babysitter or my boyfriend. I'm gonna go and get some lunch and then head to my apartment. When does the party start?"

"I'll pick you up 8:00 if that's okay. We'll get there after it starts. You sure you don't want to get lunch with me?"

"Yeah, I have some things I need to do and I'll need extra time to get ready for tonight. See you at 8:00, Lou." As I leave, I give him a quick kiss and shut the door.

Once I'm gone, I completely forget about lunch and go home. I get home at about 5:00 and realize I need to hurry up. There's a lot to do when preparing to go to a party. I put my hair in a bun and begin to take off my clothes so that I can shave all the essential areas. The bath water is running and I throw a glittery bath bomb into the water to add a special softness and shine to my skin. I step into the bath and begin working.

An hour later and I'm smooth and ready to reapply more nighttime appropriate makeup. It's sad to take off the makeup I so carefully applied only hours earlier but it must be done. It takes me another hour to do all of my makeup and hair because of a few extra details that need to be done. It's already 7:00 so I need to pick out an outfit. It needs to show off every part of my body perfectly. In the end, I pick out a tight, black mini skirt with a low cut black crop top and metallic silver heels. A little bit of a wild outfit but I like it. I look at the clock and it's 7:55. Just enough time to put a flask full of vodka and a small bottle of whiskey in my purse. I'm underage still but it's never stopped me from getting alcohol. The doorbell rings and I open the door to greet Louis.

"Hey, Lou. What do you think?" I say as I spin around.

"Wow, baby. You look hot. You ready to go?" I nod and we get into his car and take off. The ride is a little awkward because of what happened earlier but he puts his hand on my thigh and I know all is well.

When we get there, the party is in full swing and a drink is put into my hand as soon as I get inside. Not wasting any time, I quickly down the beer and see Louis staring at me with a worried look.

"Lou, calm down. Have fun. Do you wanna dance?"

"Yeah sure. But I'm staying sober tonight."

We make our way to where everyone is dancing and I can feel the bass of the music throughout my whole body. I had grabbed another beer from the kitchen as we went to dance and had sneaked some of the whiskey from my purse earlier so I feel a little tingly but not drunk. Louis grabs my waist and turns my around so that my butt is pressed against him. I sway my hips and I can feel him slightly harden but I'm eventually bored with just grinding so I turn around.

"Lou, where's your friend? Harry? I'd like to meet the guy throwing the awesome party."

"He's around here somewhere. I'll find him. Don't have too much fun while I'm gone."

Now that he's gone, I can let loose. I take a couple sips of my vodka and drink some beer and go back to dancing. I'm light headed and I feel myself move to the music. My eyes are closed but soon open when I feel hands grab my hips and pull them forward into a blonde haired boy. He's very attractive. I grind into his front and smile.

"I'm Naomi."

"I'm Niall. And you're hot. Mind if we keep dancing?"

"Not at all. Is there any bud around here? I could use some."

"Yeah, baby. Come with me." He wraps his arm around my waist and leads me to the couch where people are taking hits off a joint. He sits and pulls me into his lap and offers me a joint. We split it and once we finish, I'm baked.

"Wanna dance?"

"Sure!" I giggle. I'm drunk and high and having fun so why not?

We head to the middle and we start to dance again. He comes closer and before I can register what's happening, he kisses me. We're dancing closely when I feel hands pull us apart. Louis is standing there with who I assume is Harry

"Naomi! What are you doing?"

"I'm dancing with a boy, Lou. It took you forever to come back and I wanted to have fun." My words are slurred and it's obvious what I've been up to.

"Are you high? You're eyes are all red."

I giggle again. "Yep. I'm also a little drunk."

"We're going home, Naomi. Come on." He grabs my wrist but I twist away from him.

"No, Lou. Besides, I haven't even met your cute friend Harry yet."

"You can meet him later. We're going home. Now." Before I can protest and get away, he's dragging me out the door to his car.

"Louis stop! You're hurting me! Let go!" I still can't think straight but I can feel a bruise forming. He doesn't listen and forces me into the car.

"You better be quiet, Naomi. You've already done enough."

I feel myself falling asleep and let it happen not wanting to deal with Louis.

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