Chapter 7 - The Dance

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Miraculously, we don't crash on the way, and once we arrive, we get even more hammered. I try to keep myself able to function because I want to do my best when I dance tonight. After I take a couple tequila shots, I decide to just sip on a beer until after my dance. The boys and I are walking around together and getting comfortable, even though it's at Harry's place.

"Boys, let's dance! I'm getting bored not drinking and I want to start feeling sexy before tonight. I need practice!"

We all laugh and I can tell the boys are interested.

Niall shouts, "Okay show us what you have so far and then we'll help you make adjustments."

"Maybe you should go ahead and change into your outfit? You could strip now and later!"

"Oh my god, shut up. I don't even know how far down I'll go. Niall, can I show bare nipples at the club or is that against the rules?"

"Yeah it's allowed, but just wait until near the end to do it. Liam doesn't like when shows get boring."

"Okay I can do that. I'm not changing yet because it's a surprise. This song is good so I'll go ahead and start."

I slip off my jacket and Harry picks it up. I begin to sway my hips and let my body move to the music. It's hard to do my routine without a I drop down and shake my a** and slide down into a half split. I flip my hair up and crawl over to Niall. I get up and press my a** against his crotch and start to grind while bending over. He grabs my hips and I whip my head around; I give Harry his turn and push him down into the chair near us. I prop my leg up on the arm of the chair with the other leg in between his and begin to dance, then turn around and hover over him while shaking my hips. The song ends and I stand up and jokingly take a bow.

"Next time you give me a lap dance, I want a little more action." Harry jokes.

"That was great, Naomi. I can't imagine how much better it'll be when you have a pole."

"I know I'm so excited!" I squeal.

We continue to dance and the boys continue to drink while I perfect my routine in my head. I know not to overthink, but I just want everyone to think I'm sexy. My recent breakup left my self confidence a little shattered and even though I know I shouldn't, I want to know that other men, besides Lou, think I'm attractive.

Suddenly, a very drunk man bumps into me and begins to walk on, but he quickly turns around.

"Hey, hottie! Hopefully that won't be the last time I touch your body tonight. Why don't we dance. I saw part of your little show earlier and now I think I want to experience it for myself."
The guy proceeds to then grab my waist and pull me towards him. I'm about to knee him in the crotch when I see Niall rip the guy off me and get in his face.

"Hey, a**hole! Get your hands off my friend before I punch you in the face. She doesn't want to touch you."

Harry interrupts, "Hey Trevor, get off her. This isn't cool. Even though you threw this party and you're my friend, you're being a d*ck."

Stunned, I respond with, "Oh so THIS is your roommate? Wow I'm glad I didn't ask to meet him sooner."

Trevor begins to apologize, "I'm sorry, I'm just so drunk right now. I'll move on."

He walks away and we decide we've had enough of the house party.

"So, Niall. Where is this club, anyways?"

"It's right downtown. Who thinks they can drive?"

I immediately roll my eyes, "I can but I was going to change in the car on the way there..."

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