Chapter 2 - Case

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Akirae : Okay I never write a crime scene before ;-; hope it is good
Akirai : Disclaimer we do not own NCIS and we own the oc and the plot I guess


Tony came to DVA office and he was greet by them

"Morning Anthony!/DiNozzo/Tony" chorused them all

"Morning guys"

Then Eis came in

"Get ya ass move team dead marine" said Eis

And they all rush to get their things

"Oh Tony here's your new badge and gun" said Eis as he hand it over

The id had Tony profile and part of DVA making Tony grin and rush to Eis car

At the crime scene

Tony was ordered to inspect the body and Allen to gather infos while Eis and Edward check the surroundings and Eriko with Tony also Antonio

"Got burned,whipped and then strangled to death" said Tony as he got up

"Wow torture" comment Eriko

Eis and Edward came back

"Nothing strange in the surroundings" told Edward

"Yeah, you got anything Tony?"

"Yeah, it looks like the murderer is about 30 ish and fat Eis" said Tony

"I found this a lighter"

"Good we can anylize the fingerprint, good job Tony" said Eis as he ruffles his hair

Tony grin at the affection not like Gibbs

"Hey Eis!" yell Allen as he ran to them


"Looks this guy the murderer got a grudge to that man, a very deep hatred"

Eis nods

"Maybe of love affair or buisness"


Then another car came to the crime scene and the doors reveal open the NCIS

"Boss..." gape Tony


Eis and the others stood protectively in front,beside and back of Tony

"Gibbs..." state Eis lowly

"Who are you and why are you with DiNozzo"

"Well Gibbs he is MY agent now not yours since he quit your team"

Gibbs fell silent

"Why you abandoned us Tony!?" screech Ziva

The boys covered their ears

"Sheesh is she a banshee?" asked Allen

"You abandon him first agent Ziva" state Eis coldly

Before Ziva can snapped back, Eis spoke again

"We will be going now, come on you brats" said Eis fondly and give them a deadly cold glare and goes inside the car and they gone

"What have I fucking done..." said Gibbs

"It was your fault you know" state Mcgee

"What!?" screech Ziva

"You heard me clear Ziva"

"Why you!" Ziva went to slap Mcgee when Abby stop her

"Stop it Ziva!" said Abby

"You know what I'm gonna quit this team" spat Mcgee and throw his badge and gun to the ground before calling Tony

"Tony? Where are you guys? M gonna join you guys" said Mcgee softly

Mcgee nods a few times and snap his phone shut and call a cab to take him to their destination leaving the team dumb

Akirae : Well chapter 3 will be comjng soon I guess
Akirai : Hope you comment, we appriceate it
Akirae : P.S Me and Akirai is only one person no twin or two person just one sorry if we confuse you! ^.^

NCIS, Tony x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now