Chapter 11 - Another Case & AN

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Holy shit you guys are amazing! 4.1k reads!? Thank you so so much! I tried to make this chapter long but I'm currently stump at the moment so this is far as I can go >.<


It's another week and this week, they got a case

"Hey Al can you tell me what's the case again?" ask Tonio

"The case is about a person who raped and killed men-oh also this guy leaves the body" said Allen and Edward hum thoughtfully

"Almost the same as Jeffrey Dahmer case, no?" ask Eriko as he read a file in his hand

"Yeah, This guy though doesn't eat the victim's body part and doesn't do necrophilia" said Edward as he walk in and sat down on a table

"Why he's gotta be a serial killer man? He's handsome!" said Eis as he pout (...what? He IS handsome, evil yeah but handsome)

"Am I not handsome?" pout Tony, Eis smirk and pull Tony by the waist and dip him down

"Eres guapa mi amor" purr Eis and Tony blush

"Oooh smooth" said Timothy and Tony glare at him making Timothy smirk while Eis let Tony up and Tony chase Timothy who ran away

Edward and Eriko chuckle seeing the chase while Tonio look at a file but smiling

"Well I gotta go check the body that was sent here" said Edward and he walk to the autopsy room

"I'll go ask the people around the crime scene" said Antonio

"Bring Tony and Timothy with you, be safe" said Eis and he walk towards his office and Eriko sat down on his table doing paperwork while Allen doing some searching on his computer

At the crime scene

Tony went inside the living room and saw it was clean and neat but when he went upstairs to the master bedroom, there was blood everywhere and an outline of where the body had laid

Timothy enter the room and look around while Tony went to the other rooms in the house for any evidence so far there's none but when they went to the kitchen they saw an half filled beer and doing a deeper investigation they found a small amount of white powder on the kitchen aisle (is that what it's called?)

They bag and tag it and went out to question the people near the area while Tonio question the victim's parent

By now it's afternoon so they went to a cafe to eat

"So any good news or bad news amigos?" ask Tonio

"Good news is that the victim has been seeing the killer for a week then suddenly dissapeared for about 2 days and that's well dead ya know" said Tony

"Bad news is we don't have any clue who's the killer except that he's average height, blue eyes and black hair" said Timothy

"This is bad, the victim's parent said that their son has been sneaking out those past few days before ending up dead so the parents doesn't know who it is either but they do once heard their son and the killer talking, they said the killer's voice sound deep" said Tonio

"Eh, that's a clue at least"

"We can't do anything else except go back to the office, come on amigos" said Tonio

When they gone back, they saw Eis, Edward, Eriko and Allen talking when they notice them Eis and Allen smile brightly making Timothy and Tony heart beat faster a bit

"You're back!" said both of them making them look surprise and point at each other

"Jinx!" said both of them again and they all laugh before sobering up

" what you guys got?" ask Eis

The three explain everything and Eis with the other who had stayed in the office listen to it

"This is tough..."

"Yeah...the only thing I got from the poor guy is that he's been drugged before shit gets down" said Edward groaning softly

Suddenly a phone rang and Eis jumped, he answer the phone and talk a bit before ending the call

"There's another victim and it looks like the killer know that we are chasing him"

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