Chapter 6 - Gibbs + New Case

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Akirae : Heeey guys!

Akirai : Sorry for not posting any chapters in any of my books but this book have one new chapter now

Akirae : And Wow! 300 views on this book! AWESOME! NOICE! Thanks my faithful sweetness reader! 😄

Akirai : Anyways we were busy with some stuffs like YouTube stuffs and games and life stuffs

Akirae : That's right I have a YouTube account if ya interested just go tap the yt video on the media or just search Sadistic Laria you can't miss it cuz-

Eis : Because it's a unique name that she have so only she have the name like that now can we get on to the story or not💢

Akirae : Alright alright sheesh


Next day...

Tony wait anxiously as he rang the doorbell of Gibbs house, Gibbs open the door and motion him inside

The two sat

"Tony I'm sorry about yelling at you" said Gibbs

"It's okay boss but still it don't change anything" said Tony

"I know"

"'re not mad that I join another team?" ask Tony carefully

"God Tony no! I proud of you even you're not in NCIS I still can visit you right?" smirk Gibbs

"Hehe gotcha boss" said Tony

The two talk when it was afternoon

Tony's phone rang

"Dinozzo here, oh hey Eis lunch? not yet mmhm okay can I bring Gibbs too? sweet! okay" said Tony and he close his phone

"What is it?" ask Gibbs

"Eis invite us to have lunch! Come on I'm starving!" said Tony as he drag an amuse Gibbs to his car and drive

They drove to an spanish restaurant and inside was Tony and Mcgee new teammates

"Welcome Gibbs come and sit" said Eis

"Thanks" said Gibbs as he sat beside Mcgee

"We're having paella" said Allen as he play with his phone

Gibbs and Tony nod

"So did you two make up?" ask Eis

"Yes" said Tony

"Good" said Eis smilling

"If you don't mind me asking where do you work before?" ask Gibbs

"It's okay if you don't want to answer" Gibbs quickly add

"I work as...a agent" said Eis and Gibbs don't ask anything more knowing there is something dark in his past

They ate when Eis phone rang

"Adornetto speaking" said Eis

"Hey Eis ya got a case" said Alex

"What case is it Lex?" ask Eis

"Two dead bodies appeares at the local docks seems to be gruesome to me" explain Alex


"Oh and you're gonna work this one with the NCIS man" said Alex

"Right" said Eis as he shut his phone

"Two dead bodies appeared at the local docks he also said we gonna team up with NCIS so prepare your guts and will for one of angry bumpy ride" said Eis

NCIS, Tony x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now