Chapter 8 - To the Rescue and Thank you!!!

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Akirae : Holy cow! You guys are the best!!!

Akirai : -hums happily- I agree with ya sissy! 1.01k views! It's the best we could wisj for!

Akirae : Fucking a yup! But really guys we really deeply grateful, appreciate, thankful and loving you guys! -hugs the readers till their almost pass out and let go-

Akirai : Well enjoy this new chapter guys! Also we're slow updater lol

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The next day the DVA were very very worried when they saw Eis didn't arrive at their office yet

So Eriko barge to Eis's office and rummage Eis's drawers and stuffs till he found the USB they open the USB and growls when they heard Mike want Eis and will kidnap Tony if he didn't they immediately go to the warehouse

In there they search for Eis's stuff or any clue he left and the only thing is his gun

"Well...this sucks" grumble Antonio

"Wait! Maybe Eis have a GPS tracker in him! Allen and Mcgee go search the tracker right when we get back to the office it's the only hope we have" said Eriko as he and the other rush back to their car

With Eis...

Eis groans as he woke up and on instinct he growls and struggles against his ropes before slumping down he then felt his surroundings

First he was blindfolded no wonder it's dark and two he's naked except for his boxer and three he's in a bed tied up spread

"You are awake I see" said Mike as Eis felt the bed dipped

"Where am I?" ask Eis

"In our bedroom of course pet" grins Mike madly

"Ugh...I'm no ones pet you fucker!" yell Eis before he got slapped by Mike who sneers and yank his hair making Eis hiss in pain

"You are mine and no else you're the sub and I'm the Dom and you will LISTEN TO ME ONLY YOU GOT THAT!?" yell Mike at the last sentences making Eis wince in the loudness and nods and Mike let go of his hair letting Eis slump back to the pillow his head was laying

"I will be back later but first..." said Mike and he kiss Eis who yelped from the sudden kiss and it let Mike's tongue shove in his mouth and Eis struggles but he was pinned down by Mike

When Eis felt he almost pass out Mike let go and spit something into his hand and growls at what he see it was the tracker

"What a creative way to hide a tracker huh you bitch but don't worry no one will find you now" said Mike grinning and he crush the tracker and walk out

Eis pant for breath and was really relieved when Mike only found one of the tracker, he hope the tracker in his hair is working well and all he could do now is to survive and wait for his team

Meanwhile with the team...

They watch Tony driving past the limit with Tim groaning

"God I swear you drive like Ziva right now" grumble Mcgee

"At least we can get there fast" said Allan

"Hey amigos! One of Eis's tracker turn off I think the guy found it but the other one is still working!" said Antonio

"On it!" said Tony driving faster

When they arrive at the place, they saw it's quiet and they sneakily went it prepared they split up and Tony heard shoutings and Tony waste no time wrecking the place apart lookkng for Eis and he open the main bedroom and saw Eis bound form

"I don't have to deal with you you fucker" grumble Eis and Tony couldn't help but laugh a bit making Eis jumped

"Jesus christ! Tony! You scared the fucking shit out of me!" said Eis

"Sorry sorry" said Tony as he untie Eis and saw Eis's clothes in the nightstand and Eis wear his clothes back

They went downstairs and saw the cops and handcuffed Mike who is snarling and being lead away

"Eis you fucker!" said Eriko as he hug Eis and the othet boys bear hug Eis who grunted

"Ya know...I appreciate the hugs n all but you making me dying from lack of oxygen!" said Eis and they all let go

That night they meet up with Gibbs who smack Eis in the back of his head who whine and pouted as he is being scold by Gibbs while the others look at them in amusement

It was a good moment after the case

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