Butter My Biscuit

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I huffed as I put on my underwear. Did women really wear these things? It's literally up my butt!

I sighed and dealt with it because according to the internet, to wear this dress and have it look really amazing, I needed to wear this...thong. I quickly threw on the matching black bra, and yanked on the black dress. It was long sleeved and hugged my body. It stopped at mid-thigh and was very soft against my skin.

I admired how my body had filled out in the last few weeks. I was fitting in to all the clothes I had ordered. I smiled and played with my hair. Nyx took me to get a small hair cut to get rid of all the bad hair. I nearly cried at how pretty it looked after the lady at the...salon was finished. It felt so silky and was still long but it had this kind of V shape. I don't know the technical terms, but I do know that I love it.

I made my way over to mine and Nyx's closet in search of the heels that he had purchased for me. It was a difficult few days trying to learn how to walk in those things. They were beautiful, and had these striking red bottoms. I thought they were so pretty. I carefully slipped them on my tiny feet and took a deep breath before walking out of the room to find Nyx.

We had gotten ready in different rooms so it "could feel like a real date" according to Nyx. I didn't exactly know what real date things entailed, but from what I read usually the guy picks up the girl and they go to dinner or a movie. Well according to all the romantic movies I've seen since I've been here.

The house was quiet, only the clacking of my heels echoed through the house as I walked down the hall to the room where Nyx was getting ready. I tugged nervously on the braid I had managed to do after long grueling trials trying to follow a YouTube tutorial. I loved YouTube you could find just about anything on there!

I knocked on the bedroom door quietly and giggled as I heard shuffling and what sounded like Nyx running into something. He opened the door and my eyes widened. He was wearing a nice black button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, exposing his tattoos. He usually kept them covered, it was rare that I saw them. A silver tie was poorly tied around his neck, which made me smile. He wore black slacks and shiny black dress shoes. He also wore his gold watch, then again he never really took it off. He was clean shaven, and his wavy hair was slicked back neatly. My mate was a very handsome man.

I watched as he scanned my body up and down. It made me feel nervous. Did he liked the way I looked?

"You look beautiful Jasabelle." Nyx whispered. I smiled shyly up at him. Even in these heels, I was still so much shorter than he was.

"Thank you. You look very nice too." I spoke softly before moving closer to him to fix his tie.

He huffed. "I hate these things. I usually just put on a clip on for meetings."

I gazed up at him after tightening the knot. "Then why are you wearing this one?"

Nyx's face grew slightly red before answering me. "I wanted tonight to be special. That means doing things I never do."

I smiled up at him. He wanted to make things special. "That you for trying to make tonight special."

He laughed. "The night hasn't even started yet baby girl."


I shook my head. "Every night with you is special Nyx."


"Nyx can you calm down?"

"No." Nyx snapped as we stalked out of the restaurant.

"Maybe you misunderstood him!" I tried, but it was in vain. I knew Nyx was set in his mind.

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