Appreciation/Valentine's Day A/N

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Firstly Happy Valentine's Day to all of you beautiful people❤️

I hope you all have a great day even you single ones, we all can sit together and eat ice cream XD

Secondly I stole this idea of MrsLerone but she did the appreciation tweets so I figured I would do it on Wattpad instead since a lot of people don't really have my Twitter. So yea

Appreciation 1: Every one of you lovelies - Thank you for everything, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you lot. It's crazy to think how far this book has gotten but also my followers. I swear I don't know what I would do without all of you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Seriously I can't put it into words how much I appreciate everything❤️

Appreciation 2: sidexmen - I seriously don't know where to start. You've been there since my last year in school, you've helped me so much when I wanted to give up. I love you a ton Ethan Bæ so much and I seriously don't know what I would do without you. I was so happy for you when you met Ethan, like when you sent me the pictures of you and Ethan I was so happy for you. You're my big sister and I can't wait to meet you this year❤️

Appreciation 3: MrsLerone - there is so much I can say about you, you are my beautiful sket that I love. We have our moments of wanting to rip each other's heads off😂 you're like my younger sister who is taller than me. You have no clue how happy I was for you when Tobi tweeted you, brought you the necklace which matches him and followed you. I love you a fuck ton Tobi Bæ and I can't wait to meet you❤️

Appreciation 4: TheWildQueen - Hun, I love you so much. We literally were so close but slow drifted apart, we both have an account together ((TamiAndLaurel #ShamelessPlug😂)) we would write the most craziest things ever in private chat and just question life. I just want you to know if you ever need someone then I'll always be here for you❤️

Appreciation 5: leonardsvr34053 - I'm so glad I met you Len and I know we aren't that close but you have helped me when in stress or when I need someone to talk to. Thank you so much Len for being there and I hope to speak to you real soon. Love you, obviously sisterly love ❤️

Appreciation 6: AshiiSweets - Hi hun☺️ I miss our conversations, I mean we use to talk all the time. I still remember the creepy bear you had and you just sent me a video of it saying the most creepiest thing ever. I love you hun and I just want you to know I'll always be here for you❤️

Appreciation 7: HeyImLuce - We would have the most weirdest yet craziest and funniest conversations ever, I swear you would always make me laugh so much. I miss our conversation and I know you've been busy with school and everything but I do hope we speak again soon. Love you hun ❤️

There are many more people that I could thank and just sit here for hours but half of you probably don't wanna read a whole list. Theses were the first names that came to mind when I was writing this but honestly the biggest appreciation goes to everyone that reads my books like I just can't thank you guys enough. Like I've gotten my little fandom from just writing and before anyone says I'm being big headed, I'm really not. I'm just being thankful for everything from you guys

I'll have a update out later today since I'm off to a wedding now on Valentine's Day as well, not really looking forward to it since Bengali weddings take forever to end and it's close family so we probably will have to stay until it finishes so that might be late or probably not

Hope you have a lovely Valentine's Day and see you soon

Tamiii x

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