I've been tagged so many times...

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So a lot of you guys have tagged me to do this even though I've already done it on my 'About Me' book but no harm to do it again

So I've been tagged by __MinterIsBae__ , minter- , @LivSR123 , _MrsWoofless_ , and @infinitehopex

So I'm gonna break the rules a little and answer two or three questions from each of them since it wouldn't be fair if I just answer one person's questions and not the other. Rules are down at the bottom, anyways here we go

1) Favourite Sideman? Simon Minter obviously if you can't tell by now

2) Where are you from? Now this I didn't know if you meant background wise or where I live so I'm just gonna do both. Born and raised in the London but my parents are from Bangladesh which is my motherland so yea

3) How are you? I'm great thanks, how are you?

4) Eye colour? Hazel brown eyes

5) How old are you? I'm 17, my birthday was on 17th of January

6) Fav music artist? Jasmine Villegas. Love her music so much and I look up to her a lot. If you don't know who she is then she is the girl from Justin Bieber's Baby music video

7) OTP? JOBI! I am a hardcore Jobi fan and if you didn't know that already. Jobi is basically Tobi and Jenny ((MrsLerone))

8) Press shuffle on your music - what comes up? Superstar by Imran Khan. He is a punjabi singer , I listen to a lot of Indian music

9) Favourite YouTuber? See with this question I've got two answers because Simon (Miniminter) is my favourite British YouTuber whereas Humza Production is my favourite Asian YouTuber

10) Favourite YouTube video? The Romance Is Real??? on Simon's channel, Simon was so cute when him and JJ were gonna 'kiss' plus his face was so red from laughing

11) Best moment of your life so far? Probably when I got the video message from Simon, I was actually in Birmingham when I got the message from sidexmen since she had went to Insomnia. I'm actually glad I only know my cousin in Birmingham because I had started to cry when I got the video, I was out with my cousin just walking around since we both got bored from sitting at home

12) Shoe size? 3 is my shoe size. My feet are so small and I'm short so that's just embarrassing for a 17 years old girl

13) Fav quote? "You've been beaten by two white boys and an Indian" - Simon Minter 2015 (Trivial Pursuit)

So that's 13 questions done

I tag:






I didn't do 13 people because cba and if anyone else wants to do it then they can

My questions are:

Favourite band?

Where you live?


Favourite YouTuber/s?

Where you wanna travel to and why?

Favourite book on Wattpad?

What you would do if your favourite YouTuber showed up at your door?

Favourite video by your favourite YouTuber?

Internet Best Friend/s?


-You must post all the rules

-You have to tag 13 people

-You have to answer the questions addressed to you and make questions for people tagged

-You cannot say "I don't do tags"

-Tagbacks are allowed (I'm begging, pls no)

-You have to finish in a week, and if you don't, the creators tell you to do so

-Be creative with the title

-You have to Put it in a book, not a comment

I'll have a chapter out in a few hours so keep a look out

See ya

Tamiii x

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