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I was running. That's all I knew.
I think I was running away from something,
But a voice kept telling me not to look back.
I couldn't.
I was being launched forward almost,
This voice kept pulling me forward.

Whatever was behind me, I didn't want to know.
I kept running.
I wouldn't stop until I felt safe again.

It felt so long before I reached my destination.
At least I think it was my destination.
Doors were shut all around me.
I was trapped.
I didn't know who I was.

So many voices began speaking to me.
People I knew, People I didn't know.
I heard children, begging me to help.
Two small voices.
They yelled at me to not do it.
Not do what?

"(Y/N), you have control." I heard a familiar voice. But I couldn't place it.
"Over what?" I asked the void.
I turned to the doors which encased me,
I opened them.
I was never trapped at all.

I walked freely.
I walked calm.
I walked strong.

I saw a man.
I knew him.
I knew, that I knew him.
I cared so deeply for him.
What was his name?

I called to him, "Hey!"
He looked at me, his eyes met mine.
"Who are you?" I asked,
And he ran away from me.
Running? Again? Really?
I ran after him.

But the walls fell down.
And the ground crumbled.
And suddenly I was falling.
Falling so quickly and into this never ending,
Black, cold, dark hole.
I couldn't breathe.
I had lost my control.

I needed my control.
I was alone.
I needed my safe place.

I kept yelling for someone to come
For someone to save me
Someone to hear me.
But nobody did.

I woke up suddenly. Gasping for air, I was coughing a lot. My lungs and chest hurt. I sat up to an empty room. I laid back down as it hurt to sit up.

What happened?

How did I get in this room?

Then all my memories came flooding back. Dooku, Anakin, Padmé, the battle, all of it. I began shedding silent tears. For peace lost, for my situation, for the taste of the dark side I had, for ruining my missions, for going against Jedi code with my feelings for Anakin.

I was a failure.

A medical droid came in to check my vitals, surprised to see me awake.

"What are you doing up?" It asked me.

"I-I don't know. How did I get here?" I asked it, "What day is it?"

"Oh, the Masters will be so pleased to know you are awake." It said.

"The Masters?" I urged the droid to tell me more. But he's a medical droid, he doesn't exactly pick up on human behaivors besides our vitals.

Underestimate Me ⇝ anakin skywalker x reader {book 1}Where stories live. Discover now