Chapter Two

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Picture of Angelina "Angel", played by India Eisley <3


Noah cleaned up his tent until he made his way to the back where his bed was. The blankets were crumpled throughout making a big blob. When he ripped back the covers, he screamed.

"AHH!" he shouted.

The figure woke up from their apparent nap and turned to Noah with wide eyes.

"AHH!" the person screamed back.

Noah jumped back and stared at the woman who was laying in his bed.

"WHO ARE YOU?" he yelled.

"WHO ARE YOU?" she shouted back, standing up.

"You tell me first."

She put her hands on her hips. "Listen, you're the one who invaded my space."

"Invaded your space? I believe the correct statement is that you're invading my space," Noah insisted. "This is my tent."

The girl was speechless. She didn't know what to say.

"Now tell me who you are and why you are in my tent," he ordered.

"My name is Angelina, but you can call me Angel. This camp was abandoned so I made it my own," she explained.

"I knew something looked different," he said. "I have to tell you, this camp was not abandoned. My family and I live here. We made a small trip to the lower 48, but we are back now. You musn't stay."

He watched as Angel began to pack up her things. She flung her backpack over her shoulder and headed towards the front entrance.

"You don't have to tell me twice," she said.

He chased her out of the tent, calling after her. She couldn't just leave the camp without explaining to the family that she had been here this entire time. Ami and Billy needed to know their camp was invaded.

"You cannot just leave!" he told her.

"I can and I will," she said, stalking off.

"Ma! Da!" Noah called for his parents.

Almost instantly the entire family was surrounding the area, blocking Angel from going anywhere. They had heard the cry for help throughout the entire camp.

"We have an intruder," Noah announced, pointing at Angel.

"And a pretty one she is," Bear said with a smirk, stepping up to her. "My name's Bear and I like to climb trees. Do you like to climb trees?"

"Um...I'll just be on my way..." Angel said, trying to step around him.

"And where do you think you're going, girl?" Bam asked, stepping forward to block her way.

Angel looked up at the long haired man with glasses and gulped. He had his arms crossed over his chest and it was clear he wasn't going to let her go anywhere.

"Look, I don't mean any harm. I'd just like to go on my way if that is okay with all of you. I'll leave you and your camp alone," she said.

"Why don't you come into our cabin and speak with us?" Ami suggested. "I know you would like to go, but we do need some explanation."

Angel nodded her head, understanding. She followed Billy, Ami and Noah into the house. They sat down at the table and stared at one another.

"Now what's your name, darling?" Ami asked, looking her over.

"My name is Angelina," she replied.

"Angelina is a beautiful name. My name is Ami Brown and this is my husband Billy and our youngest son, Noah," Ami introduced them all.

"What're you doing in our camp?" Billy questioned her next.

"I found this camp and it was abandoned, so I made it my own."

"You do not have your own camp?" Noah wondered.

She shook her head no. "I've lived out in the bush for quite a while, fending for myself. I've been wandering here and there, living off the land, sleeping on the ground in makeshift tents," she explained. "And when I found this spot and saw that nobody was here, I thought it was perfect. I could finally be warm during the cold nights. So I made my home out in the tent. I've been here for a few months now."

"Oh dear! You haven't had anywhere warm to sleep for this long? You're lucky you're even alive!" Ami exclaimed.

"As you can see, this camp belongs to our family. We have 5 sons, two daughters, three daughter in laws, and a grandbaby on the way," Billy said. "Though I do appreciate the fact that you did clean up a bit, I also have to ask you another question. Have you taken anything from this camp of value?"

"No sir, I haven't taken one thing that's not mine. I've been using everything a resource, that's it," Angel insisted.

"Where will you go now?" Ami changed the subject.

"I will roam around until I find another place. Don't worry about me," she said.

"Honey, why don't you just stay with us? This place is like home to you. You stayed here long enough."

"No, it's alright, Mrs. Brown. I can take care of myself."

"Nonsense. You've already found a place. You should stay. You can help us build Brown Town back up."

"Brown Town?" she questioned, her eyebrows raised.

"That's what we call it," Noah butt in. "And if you're going to be staying here, I'm going to need my tent back."

"Noah Darkcloud Brown, be polite!" Ami scolded. She couldn't believe that her well-mannered son was acting this way.

"I really shouldn't stay," Angel suggested, getting up from the table.

"Please, stay with us," Ami pleaded. "We couldn't bear to just send you out like this. You have a place to live now."

Angel thought about it for a second and a smile spread onto her face. She couldn't believe these people were so kind and accepting. After all, she'd practically invaded their land, even if they weren't living here during the time she inhabited it.

"Okay I'll stay," she announced.

Ami squealed and stood up, throwing her arms around the girl. Angel stood frozen with her eyes wide.

"Now, now, Ami, don't scare the girl away," Billy laughed.

Ami pulled away and grinned at Angel. "I'm sorry. It's just nice to see Brown Town building up in population like this."

"Where will I be staying?" she wondered.

"Well you did say the tent was where you were staying so I'd say it's best for you to stay there."

"WHAT?" Noah yelled, standing up.


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