Chapter Six

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The video above is sort of what I was trying to capture in this chapter <3

And of course another picture of Noah, this time working!


Dinner that night went well. The family was becoming accustomed to having Angel there and she was fitting in very well. Bear told them all about how she had gotten lost and with a blush, she admitted to it. Noah stayed silent, eating his meal and listening to the family's conversation. He was content just sitting there. But when the couples started getting flirty 20 minutes later, Angel and Bear included, he decided it was time to leave. He stood up from the table with his plate in his hand.

"Dinner was delicious, mom," Noah said to Ami. He walked over and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "If you'll excuse me, I'm going to retire for the night. I have some work to finish."

"Noah, why don't you stay here and play some cards and board games with us?" she asked. "We all deserve a little fun after the hard work we've done today."

"I would rather go back to my tent and finish what I started before I go to bed tonight."

She sighed. "Alright, love. You know where to find us."

Noah placed his plate in the sink and left the main cabin to head to his tent for the night. He sat at his work table and worked on the lights for a bit until he heard someone enter the tent. He was surprised to see Angel coming in.

"Why aren't you up at the main cabin playing games with everyone?" he asked her.

"I was tired," she said. "And I wanted to see what you were doing."

"The same thing I was doing before dinner. It's not that interesting."

She walked around his work table, leaning in closely to look at everything. Noah continued to work, looking at her out of the corner of his eye. Why was she interested all of a sudden?

"Um...Noah...if you don't mind..." she trailed off. "Never mind. I'll be up in the main cabin if you need me."

She turned to walk out of the tent, but his voice stopped her.

"No, what is it? You don't have to be afraid to ask me something," he said.

She turned around to face him again. "You're going to think it's stupid and all I'm going to do is get in your way anyways. I do enough of that living in here with you," she said. "Just never mind."

"Just spit it out, woman," he ordered.

She stared at him with her eyebrow raised. Who knew little ole Noah could be so demanding?

She bit her lip and looked down at the ground. "If you don't mind, I would be really interested in learning how to do what you're doing," she admitted. "Would you maybe be able to teach me?"

Noah thought for a moment about it. "I don't see why not. If you're truly interested, then I will take the time out to teach you," he told her. "But if you are just trying to waste my time, then I am not going to do it."

"I swear, I'm not trying to waste your time. I'm interested in learning ways to help around here. I don't want to keep staying here if I'm just another mouth to feed. I want to be able to contribute."

He nodded. "Well let's get working then. If we're lucky we can finish these before we go to bed."

For the next hour or so Noah taught Angelina the process of what he was doing. He allowed her to work on it as he talked her through it. He was pretty impressed with her if he was being honest. They had a few fumbles and laughs. He was warming up to her. She wasn't so bad after all, even if she was living with him and disturbing his space.

"OUCH!" Angel suddenly screamed, pulling her hand back from the wires she was working on.

"What happened?" he asked, pulling her hand into his.

He turned her hand over in his hand, looking at it.

"I got shocked," she pouted.

He looked up at her and nearly laughed at the pout that was on her face.

"You don't have a mark or anything," he said. "Does it hurt still?"

"No," she said, staring down at her hand that was still in his.

He quickly let go of her hand and cleared his throat.

"Well let's make sure you didn't break it. And we can put it up on the porch where it used to be. I'll even let you decorate them," he was quick to change the subject.

"Decorate them?" she questioned.

"Yeah, we had them decorated before. I have some left over stuff in one of the tubs over in the corner. I'm sure you can find something."

"Cool!" she exclaimed and watched him finish up the wiring.

Soon enough he was finished with the lights and got out the things for her to decorate them. He tried not to laugh as she stuck her tongue out from concentrating so hard as she decorated them. He had to say she looked adorable with her forehead all scrunched up and tongue out.

No, Noah, you can't think like that, he scolded himself.

"DONE!" Angel exclaimed, holding up some of the lights.

"Great. Let's go put them up," he beckoned her outside.

Though night had fallen and it was quite dark outside, they set up the lights on the porch and wired them into their generator. The entire family watched, anticipating the bright light that was sure to come. Ami gasped and giggled with delight as they flipped them on.

"Let there be light!" Matt exclaimed, laughing.

"Great job, darling!" Ami praised her son.

"I couldn't have gotten it done without Angel. She turned out to be quite a big help," Noah admitted.

Angel blushed. "I wouldn't have been able to help if you hadn't taught me," she responded.

"You two did an amazing job!" Ami commended them, pulling them both into a hug.

Noah wasn't much of a hugger, but it was his mother. He would take a hug from her any day. But having Angel pressed up against him was making him uncomfortable.

"Alright, I'm going to go to bed," Noah said, pulling out of the hug.

"I'll follow," Angel said.

"We were just about to do that over here," Ami said. "Goodnight, darlings."

"Goodnight Ma," he said, kissing her on the cheek.

The family escaped to their own homes and moments later, the entire camp was blanketed in darkness. Noah and Angel lay in their beds, not saying a word to one another.

"Thank you for today, Noah," Angel broke the silence.

"You don't have to thank me," he told her.

"Goodnight," she whispered.

"Goodnight," he murmured, closing his eyes.


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