Chapter Eleven

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The next morning Angel awoke snuggled up in her covers. She turned her head to the side, knowing what she would see. Sure enough, there sat Noah, asleep in the chair once again. She sat up in bed and poked Noah. He grumbled something, but didn't wake up. She giggled and poked him again. He roused this time with a yawn and a stretch.

"I really need to stop sleeping in this chair," he mumbled and sat up, facing her. "How are you feeling this morning?"

"I'm feeling okay. I'm a little tired, but I'll get over it. For now, I need to get ready for my date with Bear," she replied.

"Date with Bear?" Noah asked, acting like he knew nothing. But truth was, he had heard the entire conversation the other night.

She blushed. "Um, yeah. Bear asked me to go to Hoonah with him today to get some supplies. We are going to go out to lunch and he's going to give me a tour," she said.

"Oh, well I hope you have fun. You deserve to get away."

She gave him a small smile and gathered her things to get ready for the day. Just as she went to exit the tent, she turned back to look at Noah. He looked at her, waiting for her to say something.

"Tomorrow...would you maybe want to go with me to visit my brother?" she questioned. He stood in silence for a second, shocked that she had asked him that. She took that silence as a no. "Never mind. You don't have to. Just forget I asked."

"No, no," Noah said. "I was just shocked that you asked me to do that. I would love to."

She blushed. "Okay. I'll see you later."

"Yeah, I'll see you later," he mumbled as she exited the tent.

He sat in the chair for a while longer, just thinking about everything that had been revealed the night before. He couldn't believe this young, sweet girl had gone through so much. He couldn't even imagine losing his entire family. He really had to give her credit for pushing through it all. He did believe her when she said her parents led her to their camp. There was a reason she was brought here to the Brown family. She had a group of people who now could be considered her family.

With a shake of his head, he got ready for the day and then joined his family out by the fire. Bear and Angel finished up breakfast quickly and said goodbye to the family. The family exchanged their "I love you's" and the pair were off to Hoonah for the day.

"It is really a blessing that she came across our camp," Ami said. "If she hadn't, Bear wouldn't have found somebody."

"You have no idea," Noah commented about her first statement.

The family turned to him with curious looks on their faces.

He cleared his throat and stood up. "Anyways, thanks for breakfast this morning, Ma. Gabe, shall we finish your cabin?"

Gabe and Belle hopped up with smiles on their faces.

"Let's go!" Belle exclaimed.

Noah, Gabe and Belle set off to the back of the property where the new cabin was being built.

Lorelei watched as Noah walked off with the couple. She turned to her husband and smirked at him.

"What's that look you have on your face?" Matt asked her.

"I don't think Noah hates Angel as much as we think he des. I think he likes her...and by like I don't mean as a person...I mean as a love interest," she told him her thoughts.

"I don't know, Rory. Bear and Angel are getting awful close. If Noah was into her, he would be a little too late, don't you think?" he voiced his opinion.

She shrugged her shoulders. "Anything can happen."

He nodded his head, agreeing with her. He reached over and rubbed her swollen belly. "I think the baby is putting these silly thoughts into your head," he laughed. "But I wouldn't have either of you any other way."

She leaned over and gently kissed Matt, putting her hand over his on her belly. They couldn't wait for the baby to come.

Angel and Bear sat down with plop as they came into the Misty Bay Café for lunch.

"I'm exhausted," she mumbled.

"Why's that? Didn't get enough sleep last night?" Bear asked.

"No, I really didn't get enough sleep last night," she admitted and then changed the subject, hoping that he wouldn't ask. She had enough of spilling her deepest darkest secrets. She didn't want it getting out to the entire family. She knew Noah would keep it a secret. "But you're exhausting me with all the running around."

"Hey, I run instead of walk places. It makes traveling extreme!" he exclaimed with a smile. "And I need an extreme girl to keep up with me. Do you think you can play that part?"

"We'll see."

He shook his head with a grin on his face and turned to the waitress as she approached their table. They ordered some slices of pizza and some sodas. They ate their lunch and when they finished, Bear gave her a tour of the small town. They talked and laughed the entire day and finally decided that it was time to head home.

They rode the skiff back home. By time they got back, the sun was going down and it was dinner time. The family sat around the fire and ate dinner. Noah ran off into the tent as he usually did. Angel also decided to retire early following dinner. She was exhausted from her night of no sleep and her energetic day. Bear walked her back to the tent and stood at the door, talking to her.

"Thanks for coming to Hoonah with me today," he said. "I really enjoyed myself."

"Thanks for inviting me. I enjoyed myself too," she responded.

"I'm really glad you were in this camp when we came back from the lower 48. I have to admit, I really like you."

She blushed. "Aww, you're so sweet."

"Would you maybe consider being my girlfriend?" he asked.

"Um...would you be able to give me a few days to think about it?" she wondered.

"Yes, absolutely. But can I ask you one more thing?"

"Of course. What is it?"

"Can I kiss you?"

She nodded shyly. Bear leaned forward and gently pressed his lips to Angel's.

Noah sat inside the tent, hearing the entire conversation. And when he heard the last question Bear had asked her, his heart skipped a beat. There was no response to that question, but he had heard the unmistakable sound of lips smacking together and his heart sank. He was just getting to the conclusion that Angel meant more to him than he had originally thought. After the confession last night and her inviting him to go with her to her brother's grave site, he thought that maybe she felt the same way. But right now, it was pretty apparent that he didn't stand a chance against his brother.

"I guess that deer heart up on my shelf really does represent my love life," he mumbled to himself, immersing himself in work.


A Bush Blessing (Alaskan Bush People Fan Fiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon