Chapter Seven

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Noah was awoken that night by the sound of whimpering. He sat up in bed and let his eyes adjust to the darkness. He could hear the whimpering from the back of the tent. Thinking that there was an injured animal, most likely one of theirs, he got up from bed and walked towards the sound.

Coming to the back of the tent, he could still hear it, but there were no animals in sight. What he did find was a curled up figure on the bed. Angel was shaking, curled up in a ball. She let out another whimper. She must be having a nightmare.

"Hey, Angelina," he whispered into the dark.

She let out a whimper again, this time louder.

"Angelina, wake up," he said, poking her.

Her breathing began to speed up and Noah tried to wake her once more. She jerked up and stared off into the darkness, letting out a blood curdling scream

Noah's eyes widened and he shook her frantically. She quickly snapped out of it and turned to look at Noah, her own eyes wide.

"It's just me," he told her. "You're okay."

She burst into tears and buried her head into Noah's stomach. He stood there for a second, not knowing what to do. He finally sat down on the bed and pulled her head into his chest, letting her cry.

"WHAT"S GOING ON?" Ami's voice shouted from outside the tent.

She came bursting into the tent, her breathing fast. She had a lantern in her hand and shined it in front of her. She took in the scene before her.

"I heard somebody scream," she said.

"Angelina was having a nightmare," he told his mother.

Ami came over to the bed and looked the girl over. She was laying limp on Noah's chest, her eyes closed.

"She must have tired herself out. Poor girl," Ami cooed.

"She woke up and started crying. She must have fallen asleep."

"Lay her back down. I'll stay here with her. Why don't you go into the main cabin and get some sleep?" his mother suggested.

"No, it's okay. You go back to the main cabin and get some sleep. I will watch over her," he insisted.

"Are you sure, honey?"

"Yes. Go back to sleep, Ma. Thank you for checking in."

"Alright, honey. More."

She kissed his cheek and headed out of the tent, back to the main cabin.

Noah slowly laid Angel back down in the bed and covered her up with her blankets. He watched over her for a moment until he was sure that she was okay and wasn't going to go straight back into a nightmare. He pulled a large arm chair he had gotten at the dump over to her bedside and sat down, putting his head back. He allowed himself to drift off to sleep sitting by her.

Angel's eyes fluttered open the next morning at around eight o'clock. She stretched her arms above her head and let out a moan as her body cracked. She sat up in bed and turned to look around the tent. She jumped as she realized what was sitting right next to her bed. There sat Noah in an arm chair, fast asleep. She scrunched up her eyebrows, confused. Why was he sitting next to her bed?

"Noah?" she whispered.

"Hmm?" he asked, his eyes still closed.

"Why are you sitting next to my bed?" she wondered.

He slowly opened up his eyes and stretched. "You were having nightmares last night. Do you not remember?"

Angel sighed and looked down at the bed. She remembered when those nightmares had first started. She hadn't gotten them for quite some time, but now they seemed they were coming back. She had taught her body to never remember them as they were just too emotional for her to handle.

"No, I'm sorry," she said. "I'm sorry I woke you up last night. I haven't had one of those in a while."

"You used to get them often?" he asked.

"Yes," is all she said as she climbed out of bed.

She began to gather her items to get ready for the day. She could feel Noah staring at her and was beginning to feel uncomfortable.

"Can I help you with something?" she finally asked, whirling around to glare at him.

"No...I uh..." he started. "Why did you used to have nightmares?"

"I don't want to talk about it. Okay?"

"If it's going to start happening every night you're going to have to eventually tell me so I at least know why."

"They aren't going to happen every night, alright? Just leave me alone and mind your own business."

She stomped out of the tent with her clothes and toiletries in her hand, heading to the bush shower just down the path. As she scrubbed herself, tears began to leak out of her eyes. Why did this have to happen to her again? She didn't want to remember those horrible times. She had been doing so well. Why were they coming back now?


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