Chapter Eleven: Always Your Ally

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When the girls arrived last night, I learned that we indeed got into the second round. The judges thought my recovery from the fall was impressive enough to grant us a spot and I got more praise than I originally bargained for.

Oh well, my fan club is growing and we got in, what else is there to worry about?

Getting out of my car, I looked up at the familiar house. Pulling my sunglasses off, I sashayed to the front door and rang their doorbell, Evan's jacket neatly folded under my arm.

The door swung open and I was greeted with Evan's tired yawn, still clad in his pajamas. Lifting a brow, I gestured to his outfit, "I called you that I was coming."

"Doesn't mean I should get dressed up," he quipped, I stepping aside to let me in. As I passed by his figure, I thrusted the jacket in his arms.

"Thanks for that," I said, pointing to the article of clothing.

He nodded before his eyes zoomed in on my wrapped ankle. Looking right back at me, my expression fell and I shook my head, silently telling him not to question it.

After a quick look by the nurse, it was concluded that I sprained my ankle due to the fall. It wasn't really that bad, just a minor injury but they still had to bandage it up to help it heal. Technically, I shouldn't be just walking around so casually right now.

But this little thing can't stop me.

"How did you drive with that thing?" he asked, his tone light so that I wouldn't be mad at him.

"Automatic," I replied simply, limping right behind him as he went into the living room, "Only you here?"

"No, Erin's upstairs still in bed," he answered, going into the kitchen, "Want anything?"

"No need," I told him, looking around, "And your mom?"

He came back, holding a tall glass of orange juice and a piece of toast, "Work."

"It's a Sunday," I pointed out.

"Emergency business trip," he explained before holding up his toast, "Sure you don't want anything?"

I shook my head to decline his offer, "I do want to use your bathroom though."

He held out a hand and I just stared at it, questioning the gesture. Looking back up at him, he realized my hesitation so he spoke, "The toilet down here is broken, only the one upstairs is working."

So that's why he offered me the hand, he knew that I'm going to have some difficulty climbing up the stairs. Placing my hand on top of his, he led me to the staircase and allowed me to hold onto the rail with my other hand as he gave me the support I needed.

With every step, I didn't have to worry with placing the pressure on my sprained ankle. Once my uninjured leg took the climb, he'll tighten his hold and lift me up for the next one.

When we reached the top, I couldn't help but smile as I glanced down at the high steps that I managed to conquer. He tapped on my shoulder before pointing towards one of the doors, "It's that one, just yell if you need some help."

"You're not scared I might do something to Erin while you're gone?" I asked jokingly.

He shook his head before he let out a laugh, "You told me to trust you."

I couldn't say anything more after that. He nodded at me before going back down the stairs, leaving me there to sink in his words. He knows that I have this dislike of his sister, he saw how horrible my attitude is, and he heard from the others the extremes I take my tricks to. Yet he still trusts me just because I asked him to.

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