Chapter Thirty-Six: Two Things

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The moment I got to school, I marched up the steps, unintentionally ignoring the girls' greetings and the other students' congratulations. I was a woman on a mission and everything is going to blurry until I get some answers.

I knew that most of the football team who bothered to come early hang around the back of the school, either damaging their lungs with cigarettes or doing some sketchier things. The teachers knew about it, they have just given up on scolding them time after time before commanding the student body president take over that problem. The student council was well aware, but they just made them promise to keep it to themselves instead of flouncing it around.

The girls followed behind me, firing multiple questions for the explanation of why I was in such a rush. This continued until I reached the back door and pushed it open, spotting Gray's usual group of lackeys.

Rushing up to them, I walked up to the one who was on the very middle and ripped the cancer stick out of his hand before throwing it to the side, "Where is he?!"

After he sent me that message, I started flooding him with a bunch of replies, asking him what he meant. When he didn't answer, I tried calling him but it ended with the same result.

Nothing, na-dah.

Went to his house right after my attempts of contact but nobody was home, his car was missing from its usual spot. I tried almost every mean to minimize whatever distance he placed between us and it was frustrating that I was kept in the dark.

"Gray?" he questioned and I gave him a 'duh' kind of expression, "I don't know, he won't answer to us too."

My eyes turned into slits but I soon realize that he was telling the truth which was scarier. The thing is, this guy was always with my boyfriend – he was the Vivian to my Gray. He was always in charge in his absence, the second leader to the pack.

Gray Martyn, where the hell are you?

The bell rang and I groaned, turning around to go to my class. Just when I thought that everything could start going right, the universe had to prove me wrong.

By the time lunch came, almost everyone knew that this was not the normal case of Gray Martyn skipping classes. Usually, no one will pay mind that he would be missing – they'll just assume that he was just too lazy to go.

But this time, it must be because our whole group was also puzzled of his whereabouts. It wasn't like him to go disappear without telling anyone.

Well, in a twisted kind of way, he warned me.

A rare time with our rowdy group where we were speaking in hushed tones instead of the boisterous yelling that we always did to drown out the rest of the cafeteria noise – it was our way of grabbing your attention, while rubbing it to your face that you can't sit with us.

And because of this, it raised more suspicion.

"Even Clara doesn't know," one of his teammates huffed, running a hand through his hair, "His girlfriend doesn't fucking know where he is!"

Thank you, Captain Obvious.

Multiple phones were on the table as each of us took turns on calling him. All came down to one result, we couldn't reach his cell. He turned it off so it meant that he doesn't want to be found.

Should I just trust him when he said that he'll come back to me eventually?

The lingering question is, when is he coming back to me?

There are many things that I hate and one of them is not knowing something.

"Have you talked to his parents or his brother?" a girl suggested, slightly nibbling on her straw in anxiousness.

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