Chapter Twenty-Five: Had (Gray's POV)

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Gray's POV

As Clara dragged me away, my mind transported me back to that day when everything came crashing down.

The room was lit up and the music was blasting from all the speakers in our house. My brother has probably went off to talk to another chick he thinks he can pick up, leaving me to deal with the house. My only goal is to make sure there is as little damage as possible.

"Hey, what do you think of Clara Harper?" one of the boys asked as we were all gathered by the couch.

We had this little circle going on and I had my arm around Kelly's shoulder as claimed the good part of the sofa.. The said guy then pointed the end of his bottle towards the girl he was asking about.

I've seen Clara around and I've talked to her a few times. We're acquaintances and since she was in the cheer team, our cliques circled around each other.

I watched as she laughed at something her friend said, her blonde hair falling just below her shoulders. She wasn't bad looking, I'll admit that. She definitely has the charm and that amazing figure but I believe that there's a bit of menace and mischievousness in those blue eyes. She was nice enough though. The times we talked, she was actually normal and was capable of holding up a good conversation.

If Kelly wasn't here, I might have looked her way.

Shrugging my shoulders, I turned back to the guy, "Don't know."

Kelly playfully slapped my shoulder and smiled, "Clara's adorable and amazingly talented."

I rolled my eyes jokingly at her response. Out of all the freshmen than entered the team when it was Kelly's reign, she loved Clara the most. Now that she's in college, she's still rooting for her to become the captain soon.

Every time she looked at Clara, she was like a doting big sister. She practically formed the chick to who she is now, from the way she walks in heels as if they were nothing to the way she can practically wave off anyone with a bored expression.

"Thinking of asking her out," winked the guy who asked about her.

"She's a toughie though," Kelly laughed, "She's not that easy to be smooth talked to."

"We'll see about that," he snickered as he hopped off of his seat and went to her. We all quieted down, opting to watch the outcome of his overconfidence.

He was one of the boys who was so boisterous about the ladies he managed to get under his wing so his endeavor is not a total impossibility. I have heard a lot of girls always gossiping about him when the whole group is seated during lunch, hoping he'll give them the time of day.

When he approached Clara, he tapped on her shoulder and flashed her a smile. Her eyebrows raised at this and he cleared his throat, starting to speak to her. From where we were sitting, we couldn't hear what he was saying but from the way that Clara's smile was slowly slipped off, I think it was not going so well.

He took out his phone from his pocket and presented it to her, probably asking for her number. She then looked at the device before gazing back up to him. Without another word, she took her friend's hand and started to walk away.

He looked so embarrassed when he ducked his head and went back to our group. We started laughing hysterically at his failure and then suddenly, I just gained a new respect for Clara.

For a sophomore, she has some backbone to reject a senior.

"Told you she's a toughie," Kelly laughed, resting her head against my shoulder, "You're not the first and definitely not going to be the last boy that she's going to turn down."

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