I told you so

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After he got a job at NCIS, he stopped going hunting with Dean or seeing Sam, he kept on a regular basis with them through the phone and sometimes visited Bobby, occasionally taking hunts in the DC area. He also kept track of their aliases and sometimes made some for them. He kept record of all their phone number and all of his fathers in case anything came up. Now at age 32, he hasn't seen Dean or Sam for 4 years.
At 10 o'clock at night, most people in DC were in there houses, but not the Winchester brothers. Sam and Dean dug at the grave quickly. Sweat poured down their faces as they dug deeper.
"Go get the salt Sam." Dean said as he hit something solid. Sam lifted himself up and looked down at their work.
"Dean, this isn't a good idea. We're going to get caught."
"Again Sammy, I've already told you this like 50 times in the past hour. We're not going to get caught." A pale man dressed in uniform appeared and Sam got thrown backwards into a tree trunk. The ghost advanced towards him and grabbed him by the neck.
"Dean.." Dean quickly finished the process and burned the bones. He turned back and saw the ghost erupting in flames. Sam fell to the ground, grasping his throat gasping for breath.
"Don't....don't call me that." Sirens blared and Dean helped Sam up.
"Come on!" They grabbed the duffel and ran, the wind rushing past them. Sam's hair was flying behind him. They got into the car and chucked the duffel in the secret compartment in the trunk, then got in.

"Put your hands where we can see them!" Black and white cars and cops surrounded them.
"Come on!"
"I told you so Dean!"
"Shut up Sam." They got dragged out of the car and got shoved against it.
"Hey! Watch it! I just got this baby waxed!"
Tony walked in, smile set on his face and joined in the normal banter.
"He's standing right behind me isn't he?" Dinozzo ducked his head as a familiar hand smacked him on the head.
"Sorry boss."
"Someone broke into the cemetery last night and cremated the bones of a military personnel." Tony's gut churned as they all reach for their bags.
"Woah! Stop, DCPD is bringing them in for us. We'll question first."
"That a good question David."
They didn't know where they were going now. After spending a night in a cell, they were being transported.
"Hey mate where'r we going?" Dean got elbowed in the stomach by Sam and got a death glare.
"We're taking you to a federal agency."

Dean dropped his voice so only Sam could hear.
"Dude. This ain't good. It's gonna be impossible to break out of a building filled with special agents. All with guns."
"Yeah. I know."
"We gotta do something now."

Their conversation stopped as the car came to a halt. Their plan of escape was cut short by the agents that met them at the door. Dean rolled his eyes and gave Sam the 'great' look.
Handcuffs on wrists, they got escorted to the elevator and shot up the floors.  When they arrived at the correct floor, the Winchesters were put into separate interrogation rooms and their cuffs were removed.

The door burst open and Gibbs marched in calmly sitting down, giving his threatening Gibbs glare.
"Hey. Got some water? Kinda thirsty." Dean casually said, not flinching, him and his brothers already used to that army look from their dad. Gibbs inched closer to Dean's ear and menacingly whispered, "Do you think this is funny?"
"I think I'm hilarious." His voice and posture relaxed, while underneath the table his fingers worked quickly to pick the lock on his handcuffs.

"Why did you burn the remains of Sergeant Michael Davis?"
"I don't know, you tell me." Gibbs face filled with anger, Dean testing his patience. A knock made both men look up at the door.
"You gonna get that?" Gibbs growled and opened the door.
"Abby needs you downstairs."
"Watch him." Gibbs stormed out and walked to the elevator. As the doors opened Tony stood there grinning.
"Hey boss. How's the interrogation?"
"Fine. Where is Ziva?"
"Dunno, she said she's coming down here." Gibbs hopped into the elevator and slammed the button to Abby's lab.
"Find her!"

Tony slipped his mask off and sped to interrogation room 2's observation room. His heart dropped as he saw his youngest brother calmly sitting there, facing the wrath of Ziva.
"Call agent David out." He commanded the techie. Then walked outside closing the door. Within seconds, Ziva stood in front of Dinozzo.
"Gibbs was looking for you."
"Where?" Dinozzo grunted looking up. She stalked off and he watched her retreating back as he swung the door open, glaring at Sam, warning him as his mouth opened and quickly shut in understanding. Before he sat down he heard a grunt, rattle and scream of help belonging to McGee.

"Dean...." Tony growled quietly, so only Sam heard it. He grinned as Tony ran out the door to interrogation room 1. When he opened the door, he had to bite down the grin that threatened to show up on his face. In front of him was Dean standing with a choke hold on McGee and his cuffs on the floor. Dean sucked in a breath, shocked at the sight of his older brother in a suit. It was so different to his usual 'visiting clothes' which like them were jeans a shirt and a jacket. Dean regained his composure and shot a wink to Tony as Gibbs and Ziva shoved in behind him guns trained on Dean.

"Let him go! Now!"
Tony narrowed his eyes as Dean rolled his and loosened his grip on the young agent. He was quickly shoved into the table and handcuffed once again.
"I want 24 hour security on them."
"I'll see someone get on it." Ziva walked away to get access to a computer.
"McGee go check in with Ducky."
"I'm - "
"Not a request Tim."

Gibbs advanced towards Dean menacingly. "You touch one of my agents again and it'll be the last thing you do.
"Sure..." That earned him a glare from both men, but he only cared about Tony's. Dean sighed out loudly sick of having Gibbs there, just wanting to his older brother.
"Don't you need to find out our names or something?" Gibbs grunted and walked outside, with Dinozzo on his heels.
"Go to the bullpen and try and find out ANYTHING about them."
"On it boss."

Minutes later the power was out and the fire alarm blared smoke erupting from the top floor. All agents followed protocol and evacuated the building.
"Ziva! You and the new security detail go down and get the suspects!"
Dinozzo hid behind a corner as all the techs followed protocol and went up the stairs to get outside. He pushed open the door to Sam and saw him grinning like a maniac.
"Hey Tony." He quickly tossed off his cuffs onto table and walked through the open doorway, brushing past Tony, resisting the urge to hug him after 4 years of not seeing him.

They walked to the next door to discover it was locked. He knelt and quickly picked it, looking at his watch as he was running out of time.
"Are you coming or not?"
"I thought you'd never come. Is this annoying siren your doing?"
"Yep. Now come on." They all ran through the garage through the back door to the parking lot outside. 
Dean heaved a sigh of relief. "You got her."
"Yeah....and I got the keys too. On the other side Princess." Tony quickly jumped into the drivers seat and pulled out, glancing at the navy yard in the mirror. He looked straight and focused on getting his brothers away to a safe distance.

Ziva ran outside and breathed heavily.
"It'sfake. Thereisnofire."
"Where are they?!?"

The Dinozzo WinchesterHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin