Fighting Loss

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The clip above reflects something written further in this chapter.
The words keep fighting rang in his ears throughout his whole life, but not as much as that day. The day that the 3 brothers stood and watched their fathers body burn in the true hunter way. The pain of the car crash was nothing compared to the pain of his fathers death. He lost the man who taught him how to walk, how to run, how to ride a bike, play basketball and be one of the best damn hunters out there. He lost his mother and almost 25 years later, he lost his father.
"That son of a bitch is going to pay for what he has done to this family." He menacingly said, his voice flat and devoid of emotion.
"Go to Bobby's. Get better and fix the car." He took a step forward, "Goodbye dad." Then turned around and began walking.
"Where are you going?"
The 12 year old Winchester sat curled up on the bed, his knees on his chest, his arms around his knees and his chin on his knees. He was slowly rocking himself, repeating the same words over and over again. ''He's coming back. He's coming back. He's coming back.'

The motel room door burst open and Sam instantly leaped off the bed.
"Tony?!" He desperately and hopefully said.
"Nah Sammy it's just me. It's been a week he won't be back yet."
"But Dean! What about when we move? He won't find us!"
"Sammy, he will find us. He'll always find us."
Sam was sure his eldest brother would find them as they took off from Bobby's to get back on the road. Sitting in the passenger seat, he repeated the same mantra he said as a kid when Tony left. He's coming back. He'll find us. Sensing the waves of worry radiating off his brother, Dean turned into a motel so he could call Tony.
"Dean what are you doing?"
"You need to relax and I need to make a call." He tossed him the keys, "Go find food and come back. You scratch baby I kill you."

Reluctantly Sam peeled out of the parking lot and drove to the furthest diner in that town, enjoying the serene silence of the car. Maybe if I never left, he would still be alive. Maybe if I didn't leave him alone in the hospital. The thoughts ran through his head and he whacked the radio on suddenly hating the quiet. 'I'll be there' by 'The Escape Club' started playing very loudly, but Sam didn't mind. Happy memories started flooding his mind. All of them smiling and laughing as grown men. And the various hugs of comfort he's received from his father. Tears started pooling in his eyes but he refused to let them go. As he kept driving he saw himself dropping the coffee and running to his fathers dead body, screaming- no begging him to wake up. To not be dead. As the song continued playing, Sam couldn't take it anymore. He pulled over and let the tears freely stream down his cheeks as the song continued playing.

He put his head in his hands and rested them on the steering wheel, as his tears turned to uncontrollable sobbing. He looked through the windshield and glanced up to the bright blue sky, quietly whispering,
"Sorry dad."

Dean watched as the youngest Winchester drove out. He began to worry if he should have let him drive in his state of mind. Azazel was gonna pay for ripping his family apart. He already took both his parents away from him and now his eldest brother is gone who knows where and Sam is mentally gone. Dean walked towards a log on the floor and sat down, while pulling his phone out at the same time. As his fingers were programmed, he went to speed dial 1.

This is Tony Winchester, leave a message.
"Hey Tone, it's me...again. Just wondering where you are. When are you coming back? You're worrying the hell out of us. Look I know dads gone which is why I'm calling you. Sam needs you. I need you. Us three are the only Winchesters left and it's better if we stick together and hunt down that SOB together.  Please. Just come back to us Tone. We got a possible ghost case in Minnesota. Anyways......Please, come back Tone."

Dean watched as his brother came back in clearly with a red face and puffy eyes. Choosing to ignore this, he watched as Sam got out and walked to the drivers seat and opened the door. As soon as he sat in baby, the smell of burgers and pie wafted into his nostrils. At that moment, Dean's stomach loudly rumbled and the brothers let out a small shaky laugh.
"Where's your rabbit food?"
"Right here."
"Found us a case in Minnesota. Maybe you could check it on the road." After eating in silence Dean started the car and began his way to Minnesota.

The silence killing Dean, he chose to comfort his brother.
"He's coming back Sam. I promise."
"Don't make promises you can't keep."
"I'm gonna keep this one Sammy." Happy Sam looked ahead in a now comfortable silence when something suddenly hit him.
"Whatever happened to no chick flick moments?"
"Shut up." Sam grinned and a small smile tugged at Dean's lips.
"Jerk." Sam retorted.
The eldest Winchester brother returned back into his rental car in a smart suit after reaching another dead end. With a large sigh he tossed his FBI phone into the bag, changed and pulled out his personal one. He quickly saw missed calls from both Sam, Dean and Bobby. The only one who left a voicemail was Dean. Tony quickly jumped into the seat and closed all windows and doors. He clicked on the message putting it on loudspeaker.

Hey Tone, it's me...again. Just wondering where you are. When are you coming back? You're worrying the hell out of us. Look I know dads gone which is why I'm calling you. Sam needs you. I need you. Us three are the only Winchesters left and it's better if we stick together and hunt down that SOB together.  Please. Just come back to us Tone. We got a possible ghost case in Minnesota. Anyways......Please, come back Tone.

His heart tugged at the emotion filled up in his younger brothers voice. He realised the mistake he's been making for the past few weeks. He'd become his father. Hunting Azazel had begun to consume his life. Stopping himself in his tracks, he revved up the engine and turned the car around, heading to Minnesota.

"Dean, Sam, I'm coming home."
Hey guys just wondering how many more chapters of this story do you want and what kind of storyline  you would like it to follow and I'll take them into account so you can enjoy this story.

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