Mika X Reader

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An/ I decided to put a spin on things, so in this story Krul doesn't exist. Everything Krul is is actually the reader.
Aldo, sorry for any spelling mistakes I'm on my phone.
Quiz Question: Krul or Ferid? I prefer Ferid, I don't like Krul.

Mika hated vampires. He also hated humans. To be honest, he wasn't a very easy guy to get along with. It was your blood that had turned the vampire, and you was pretty sure he hated you.

As he came to your chambers at your order, you let out a sigh.
"You want to save the human that badly?" You asked him and he nodded.
"Fine then. Leave."
"(Y-Y/N)?" He stammered, a blush creeping up to his cheeks. You giggled and stepped up from your throne, hopping down the steps towards him. You cupped his cheeks in your hands, leaning closer to him.
"I know you hate it here, Mika~. So if you really want to, you can leave. Save your Yuu."
"Don't worry, Mikaela. I know I will see you again." You stated bravely, pulling away. He looked at you with a determined dire in his beautiful blue eyes.
"Yes, (Y/N)-Sensei! I will return for you, I promise." You smiled and nodded, waving at him as he ran away and out of the your throne room.

That was 3 months ago. And you regretted the decision. You had been alive for 2000+ years and never had you regretted a decision more than that one. The rest of your life was going to be guaranteed misery now that Mika was gone. And after 3 months, it was doubtful he was going to return. You sighed to yourself, leaning your head on your fist in sorrow. What a bleak existence yours was.

Meanwhile, Ferid was plotting. As usual.
"It is clear to me now that without the rightful push she needs, (Y/N) will bring about our ruin! 2 months ago she declared war against the humans, and she has done nothing to follow up that statement. She had said nothing to follow up that statement. We need to take action and force her put of her sorrowed state. We need to stand and fight! We need to demand she rules us like she used to, or we kick her from her position. What do you say, my fellow vampires?"
"YES SIR!" The vampires cheered, and Fetid turned to Crowley.
"And will you help me here Crowley~?"
"It promises a good fight. Why not?" Crowley shrugged. He didn't really care about Ferid's petty power struggles, but like he said it was sure to promise a good fight.

Some of the vampires had gotten to inspired by Ferid that they decided to commence with the plan right away. How well would the 3rd Progenitor (Y/N) Tepes fare against every vampire in Sanguinem, Japan? Well, they were eager to find out because the door to your throne room opened and a good number of vampires charged in.
"For accounts of messing with the Owari no Seraph, and for being an all together useless Queen, we hereby manifest our punishment. Death on sight." One yelled, and he charged at you.

Three hours into the enslaught, you was hiding away. Where can one hide when their hiding from the full vampire city? In a bin that's where. You was strong, yes. But you was severely outnumbered.

The lid to your bin opened, and you looked up through teary eyes.
"(Y/N)!" Whispered the blonde male, and he pulled you out of the bin.
"No! What are you doing? They'll kill me!" You hissed at Mika, now standing in front of you. Under normal circumstances you would be way more happy and excited at seeing him, but this wasn't the case anymore.
"I came here with my Yuu and his friends. We came to rescue you, (Y/N)." He smiled, unsheathing his sword and grinning at you.
"You...Mika." You gushed, flinging your arms around him in joy.
"Don't worry, (Y/N)-Sensei. I'll always protect you." He smiled, wrapping his arms around you. "I won't let anyone touch you. Here you must be hungry. Drink some of my blood." You stared into his eyes as he spoke. Red. He was full vampire now.
"But Mika, sharing blood is the same as sex..." You blushed and he laughed.
"Your so innocent, (Y/N)-Sensei. Its adorable." He pressed his wrist to your mouth and you drank his sweet blood.
"Thank you. Oh, and I'm not innocent!" You insisted and he laughed, taking your hand.

Three more hours later and you was safely out of the vampire city, with Mika, Yuu and some others.
"Why did you take so long to find (Y/N), Mika? Did you have sex?" Asked a girl with purple hair in plaits. You stared at her in disbelief, knocking her out with a punch.
"We did." Mika smiled nonetheless.
"But what about Yuu-Chan, Mika-Kun?" Asked an adorable green eyed guy.
"Yuu-Chan has...Yuu-Chan has all of you. And I have (Y/N)." Miks smiled, kissing you.
"Good, I don't need you anyway!" Yuu boasted, pointing at himself and you smiled as the two Hyakuya's had a little banter.
"I love you, Mika..."

Next up:
Lucal Wesker X Reader

Working on:
Same thing.

Also just for a quick note, thank you! I have been getting way more support for this book than I thought I would, so I guess the ONS fandom is bigger than I thought it was. There should be an update once every week/2 weeks, unless something comes up. And seeing as I'm on holiday, I may be able to update a bit more over these next two weeks. I don't know though. I have w lot of revision.

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