Mikaela X Reader

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A/N) Like the Krul and reader situation in my...was it the other Mika X Reader? Anyway, thus time Reader-Chan is Yuu. Sorry Yuu-Chan, but you don't exist anymore O.O! Also, I didn't come up with this idea, the person who requested it did, so thank you! :)

Mikaela. That sweet, blonde child who was such an important figure of your past. Your name was (Y/N) Hyakuya, but your name before that was (F/N). One day, Mika plotted an ill-fated escape from the vampire city where you was captured, and you watched all of your family-including Mika die at the hands of that silver haired bastard, Ferid Bathory. You however managed to escape, where you ended up meeting Guren Ichinose. From then you joined Shinoa's squad and gained the demon sword Asuramaru. He was a crafty one, but he was still your demon.

In your tiresome journey to meet with Guren, you and Shinoa squad had faced off against a vampire progenitor with a plait, got lost, and somehow ended up in a sewer or something. You was too busy thinking about how you was going to slaughter all the vampires to really take notice. And now as you neared Guren's team, a smile shifted across your face. Lots of vampires to kill.

Meanwhile a certain blonde vampire was having a conversation with a certain ribboned progenitor.
"Do you want your You-Chan back~" Ferid sang, hands on his hips and his signature smirk etched on his face.
"Her name is (Y/N). And I'll save her from the humans and the vampires, so stay out of it." Mika half snapped and half whispered.
"Oh Mika-Chan, would you look at that? A human has his eyes on us. How about you go and take a whack at him? Its time I seen you adorable Mika-Chan in an interesting battle~" Ferid cooed, pointing over at a purple eyed human lieutenant.
"Leave it to me." Mika replied quietly, unsheathing his sword and leaping into action.

When you neared the commotion, just a little further than the rest of Shinoa sqaud you noted that Guren was...struggling? Against a vampire. Guren's eyes shifted to you fr a split second and you knew what to do. You unsheathed Asuramaru, and sped up a little bit, trying to move as quietly as you could. You quickly drew Asura back, plunging the demon sword into the back of a blonde vampire.

"You-San?" Mika asked as you wolfed down your curry. He always called you You-Chan. It was your own little joke. When he was serious about something though, your full name was used.
"How much do you want to leave the vampire city?" He asked.
"Well it'd be nice if everything was normal like if used to be. Me, you, the orphanage and the Miss." You frowned.
"It would be nice if it was all the family again." Mika nodded in agreement.
"But that's impossible, so y'know." You shrugged, and Mika's eyes widened in joy.
"Ta-daa!" He yelled, unrolling a map from his pocket and laying it on the table. Your eyes widened in joy, but this was in fact the moment your life went to shit.
"What is that?" You asked in curiosity and he confirmed your curiosity with his bright blue eyes full of hope.
"A map out of the vampire city! That way we can get out!"
"...But what about the virus, Mika?" You asked and he pulledtou into a hug.
"Don't worry so much! We still have some more years until we're 13, so we can find a cure!" He assured you and sighed at his optimism.
"Wasn't I meant to be the idiot?" You asked and he simply laughed in response.

>>Back to the Present>>
You pulled Asura back, and Guren smiled triumphantly. If was time for the blonde vampire to pay for injuring Guren. Your sword hadn't plunged any of the vampires vital spots or that deep, but it was enough to slow him down a bit.

The blonde turned to you, his blue eyes wide, a blush evident on his place face. You froze, and it was like the whole world froze with you.

"(Y/N)-Chan..." He whispered, and suddenly everything happened at once. The vampires were attacking Shinoa squad, and you was in Mika's arms bridal style as he hopped up to a roof trying to run away.
"Mika! Your still alive?!" You gushed, and he pulled you into a hug.
"Of course I am. Now come on, we need to get out of here!" He exclaimed.
"Wait-Mika!" You tried but he carried on talking.
"I made a promise to myself that I would save you from the vampires and the humans! We have to get out of here."
"But I have to save my friends!"
"Their not your friends, (Y/N)! Their using you!" He snapped, almost possessively. You scrambled out of his arms and he fell over as you hurried to the edge of the rooftop.

Your friends. Were all going to die.
"Come on, (Y/N)! We have to go! I love you, You-Chan. So let's go!" Mika said, grabbing tour wrist but you pulled away from him as pain and darkness clouded your mind.

...Sinners must die...

Coming Up Next:
-Rene X Reader

Working on:
-Sane thing
-Lacus X Reader
-Yandere!Ferid X Reader
-Ferid X Suicide!Reader

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