SPECIAL: Crowley X Sharon

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A/N/ Thanks for the request, Sharycatx3.

The war had been going on for three months since Krul had announced it, and it had been none stop battles since. It was mainly just smaller battles between smaller groups of lesser vampires, but there was apparently some projects that the larger groups still had to take care of. Unfortunately for brown haired human Sharon, her boyfriend Crowley was one of the people involved with the larger projects, and much to her utter dismay, he had to leave the vampire city.

"How long for?" She questioned, as he laced his fingers with hers.
"Indefinitely." He responded, wincing when her eyes widened.
"You...what?" She whispered.
"If you turn into a vampire you can come with me, Sharon. Please." He begged, as her hands dropped from his.
"No. I won't. I love you, Crowley. But...I don't want to lose the human side of me." She whispered, eyes dropping to the floor. The pain in his eyes...he was acting as if he was acting as if she was breaking up with him, but that just simply wasn't the case.
"Believe me, Sharon. You won't lose that human side of you. Not all vampires are monsters." Crowley tried.
"So the vampires that killed my family weren't monsters?" Sharon asked, and Crowley's eyes widened.
"How can you say that? Of course they were. But not-"
"I won't turn into a vampire to go with you, Crowley. I refuse."
"But I don't know how long Ferid wants this road trip to be." Crowley practically sobbed.
"Y-You'll just have to suck it up, and return as soon as you can." Sharon responded, simply. Crowley went silent, nodding.

They had kept their relationship a secret from Ferid Bathory, because the creepy, silver haired Progenitor would ruin it if he saw even a glimmer of happiness in it. He would do what he usually did. Look happy, and support something. And then suddenly, he'd squash it like a big under his black boot, and spit in your face for wondering why. That's why when Crowley properly left, Sharon couldn't be there to see him go. It would be best that way. Because of Ferid, and...because she knew that she'd cry. And he knew that he would cry, though him and large ego wouldn't admit it at the time they agreed not to have any final goodbyes.

It had been months since Crowley had left. Or maybe it had been years. Either way, the War between Vampires and Humans was over, and Japan especially was undergoing a major change. Ferid was practically King alongside Krul, Lest Karr had monthly meetings with Kureto, and the Seraph's had been locked up for good, alongside the humans who should have been dead. These were both two simple factors that made the truce between vampires and humans possible, and there were many, many more.

Crowley sighed, his long plait waving around in the wind behind him as he marched across town, in search for his girlfriend. She had been released from the Vampire City as terms of the truce, along with every other human in captivity, and it was the same for vampires too. He didn't know where she would be in the town, and amongst the sea of humans who were still scared of the idea that humans and vampires would be living harmony from then on.

Sharon was sat in a restaurant on her own, which was something she did often nowadays. With the fragile state of the human's economy after the war, prices had gone down like crazy, to the point where just by to get to the front of a que in a market, the price would go down. It was like hyperinflation, but the complete opposite. That was why she was sat in what would previously be a stupidly expensive restaurant, eating a meal that she didn't even know the name of, alone. She let out a sigh, when she heard somebody clearing their throat by the side of her.
"I'm waiting for somebody." She lied to the waiter, who had been attempting to get rid of the annoying customer, to give space to the many people wanting the table themselves.
"Sharon..." sighed a familiar voice, and when the girl turned, she was beyond shocked to see Crowley down on one knee. She thought he was dead! Her eyes widened as of she was watching a ghost, and she continued with the facial expression all the way through the ghosts sorrowful monologue, as the Ghost pulled out a ring and asked her to marry it. And she was STILL pulling the same facial expression when she agreed to the marriage, and it pulled her into a hug, pressing his lips to her ears.

An/ I'll leave you to decide if he's actually Ghost or not.


"I'm not a ghost, y'know." He whispered to her, slipping the ring onto her finger. It was his turn to look like a ghost when he got a large slap in the face, and she cried into his very comfortable, and much missed chest.

An/ Just one more special to go until we're back to normal requests. And holy cow, do I have some catching up to do. Urghhhh, so many requests to complete~

😱😱😱😱 RIP the little life I have left at this point due to Yr11 😱😱😱😱

Seraph Of The End X Reader One Shots!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora