Asuramaru X Human! Reader

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A/N: Wow, I'm seeing a real love for Asuramaru here, haha! I didn't realise people loved him this much XD So tell me, am I portraying him right? Also, thanks for 62.6k reads, guys!
Oh, and unless your familiar with the lightnovel, you probably won't understand this. But you can try.

Asuramaru stretched slightly as he tilted his head towards you. "Y/N?" He questioned. You glanced at him, hugging your knees to your chest.
"Why did you try and protect me from Mahiru? We made a deal...I'm her sword. got so injured...I don't see why..." Asuramaru spoke in broken sentences, not quite able to find the right way to phrase it.

You wanted to say that it didn't matter, but you knew he would be angry. You wanted to say that you'd do it again, a million times over, but you knew that had be angry. You wanted to tell him not to worry about you, but you knew he'd be angry. So instead, you stayed silent.

"You're a human. You could have gotten hurt." He continued, opening his mouth to speak more but pausing when he spotted you wincing. He put a hand on yours.

"Asuramaru, stop worrying about me. Your a demon. Demons should worry about themselves." You tried to tell him.
"Well I'm different. I'm not here with you because of personal gain, I'm here because I want to be. And I'm telling you not to pull a stunt like that again. A human can't save a demon. And I don't see what you was trying to save me from anyway."

Asuramaru was stubborn. You could certainly give him that. He was crazy stubborn. But you could understand why. You had tried to save him from Mahiru, and had gotten badly hurt in the process. Asuramaru couldn't see why you was trying to save him. You knew that he wanted to be with Mahiru-but not in the way he wanted to be with you. He was a demon. Nothing could deny that. Of course he would try and feed off Mahiru's desires. Her lust. Her greed. But as a human, you knew what she wanted. You weren't blinded by demonic needs like Asuramaru was. You knew what Mahiru wanted, and you knew what it would result in. The end of the world. The destruction of humanity as you knew it. So naturally, you wanted to keep Asuramaru as far from her as possible. If that meant you got hurt, then so be it.

"Please, Y/N. You're not thinking straight. I don't need protection."
"I wasn't trying to protect you!" You half yelled, and now Asuramaru was the one wincing, in surprise. He hadn't expected you to yell.
"I was trying to save you. Don't you see? Mahiru is going to end everything. And then we won't be able to see each other anymore. And I don't want that. You know why! I love you, Asura-"

There a brief clang as metal hit the floor, and you stared in shock as Asuramaru hit the floor, in sword form.
"Don't try and hide from me." You pressed, but he didn't bother turning back to his normal form. He stayed as a sword, and everything was silent.
"Damn you Asuramaru."

"Maybe he just doesn't want to speak to you." Came a sickly sweet voice, and you turned your head to face Mahiru. Of course she was nearby. She had been the whole time. Demon swords weren't allowed to materialise unless their masters were nearby.
"Let me talk to him." You insisted. Mahiru tilted her head back and laughed. Her laughs filled the air, and sent a chill down your spine. "Mahiru." You spoke sternly. "Guren wouldn't want to see you like this. Guren will never marry you if he sees you like this!" Your words did nothing to break Mahiru's spirit. She dropped her head forward to look at you sternly.
"It doesn't matter. I have Guren wrapped around my little finger. Just as he will have Asuramaru wrapped around his."
"You heard me right. I passed Asuramaru on. He's Guren's now."

But that could only mean... You dropped your head to look at Asuramaru, as he disappeared. Leaving you alone. With Mahiru.
"And your not going to see Asuramaru ever again. Because you're here. With me. And Asuramaru is with Guren. Welcome to the game of the Tortoise and the Hare, Y/N. I hope that you can keep up. Because this Hare isn't going to slow down and wait for her tail to catch up."
"I'm not your tail!"
"But you will be. You'll do anything to save Asuramaru from me. I would know. I tried to save Guren from me, but now he's a Tortoise and the race course is getting more complicated."
"So the Hare helps the Tortoise by giving it new race shoes?" You pressed. You couldn't wrap your head around Mahiru at all. You hated her. So much.
"Well of course. The Hare secretly wants the Tortoise to win. So the Hare gives the Tortoise-"
"Asuramaru. The Hare gives the Tortoise Asuramaru." You clarify.
"Yes. Asuramaru. New race shoes."
"But what if...what if the Hare's tail wants the race shoes?"
"Are tail can't wear shoes. Don't you see? You'll never save Asuramaru. You're doomed, Y/N L/N. Maybe...maybe if you weren't a tail you could get the race shoes. Maybe if you weren't human, you could get Asuramaru. But you never will. Because you'll always be human. Always." And she plunged her sword into your chest.

Asuramaru's POV ~
"Y/N?!" I screamed. Mahiru had killed her.
"What's wrong with you, demon?" Guren questioned.
"Mahiru killed my girlfriend."
"Mahiru killed that girl who tried to save you from her?" Guren checked and Asuramaru nodded.  "How would you know?"
"Because I love Y/N. I know when she's gone."
"For a demon, you seem rather weak to human desire." Guren commented.
"You want a demon? Fine. I'll turn into a demon. A proper demon, just like you want."
"But what about Y/N?"
"She's dead now. It doesn't matter. You can't bring a  human back to life, Guren Ichinose. So~ I hope you have lots of desires. Or else I won't be able to save you when the world ends.

Your POV ~

Asuramaru was a true demon.



Craving desires and nothing else.

Doing anything for his own personal gain.

Your death had done that to him.

It had turned him into a monster, because you tried to save him before the world ended.

How ironic.

Maybe he should have been the one saving you instead.


A Human can't save a Demon.

It's a Demon's job to save the Human.

And it's a Demon's job to destroy the human.

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