Chapter 5: I Dare You

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Chapter 5: I Dare You

The lobby was quiet when we walked in. The only person within sight was the lady at the front desk. She only glanced up when we entered, turning back to the magazine she was holding seconds later, uninterested. I glanced around, somewhat skeptical. Something didn't feel right. Everything was too dark, too distant. Something was off. The faint throbbing in my head had come back, but now the pain was ten times worse. I flinched slightly, gritting my teeth, trying to ignore it.

Then I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder. Glancing back, I found it to be Dean's. He was looking at me, concern flashing in his deep emerald eyes. I gave a small smile, trying to reassure him that I was fine. He nodded slightly, but he didn't seem very convinced. We headed into the stairwell, heading up two flights of stairs and onto the landing.

I pushed the door open, allowing the boys to walk ahead of me. I followed close behind. Dean glanced back at me and I winked, returning his earlier tease. He smiled, turning and tripping over his brother. They both tumbled to the floor. Cas and I burst out laughing.

"Smooth," I giggled slowly clapping. Sam rolled his eyes and Dean turned away, unable to look me straight in the eyes. I offered my hands and the brothers took them. I pulled them up, patting them on the back. Sam rolled his eyes, continuing down the hall. Dean stared at the floor, following his brother. We eventually made it to our room. Sam slid the card through the scanner and pushed the door open, holding it open for the rest of us.

I headed in behind Cas. The room was dark. I ran my hand along the wall, flipping the light switch when I finally found it. Two queen sized beds sat against the right hand wall-- a widescreen TV on the opposite wall, sitting on top of a dresser. A couch along with a desk rested on the back wall. The bathroom sat in the back corner. Dean threw his bag on the back bed, flopping down on it.

"It's been a long day," he mumbled into the pillow, his voice muffled.

"Not really," Cas said glancing at the clock. "It's not even 10 yet."

"You weren't the one driving," Dean retorted turning onto his side, rolling his eyes when the fallen angel shrugged. I sat down on the couch, laying my bag under the desk. Sam glanced at me, flicking his hand towards the other bed, but I shook my head, telling him he could have it.

"How're you feeling," Cas asked sitting down on the other side of the couch. I sighed.

"A little better-my headache came back, but other than that, I'm fine," I replied giving a small reassuring smile. Sam nodded, pulling a medicine bottle out of his bag and throwing it to me. I caught it, reading the label.

"Thanks," I said gently pouring two of the small tablets into my hand, putting the lid back onto the bottle and throwing it back to him. The younger brother nodded, placing them back in their original place. I pulled my water bottle out of my bag, downing the pills as well as the rest of the water.

"Now then," I said standing up, throwing my water bottle towards the trash can. It bounced off the wall and into the bin.

"Nice shot," Dean said sitting up, running his hand tiredly through his hair.

"Thanks," I replied. "Anyway, I'll take the floor." All three of the boys opened their mouths to argue.

"END OF STORY before any of you attempt to argue otherwise," I added hastily. They all glanced at each other anxiously, closing their mouths and nodding.

"Fine then, but if you're tired or you pass out in the morning, we're taking you straight back to the bunker," Dean said eyeing me.

"Alright-- Kevin's not that bad."

"You are one of the most agreeable, but the most stubborn person we've ever met," Sam commented. I shrugged.

"You're welcome," I laughed. Dean smiled, rolling his eyes.

Everyone got situated. I washed my face and changed into a black tank top and purple short shorts, quietly opening the door and walking out, putting my clothes back in my bag. Sam was curled up in bed, quietly snoring. I smiled. How adorable. Cas had made himself comfortable on the couch, but Dean was nowhere in sight. I glanced around, gasping in surprise when strong arms wrapped around me, sweeping me off my feet.

"Shhh," a familiar voice purred in my ear. I relaxed, realizing who it was.

"Don't scare me like that," I whispered, leaning into Dean.

"Sorry. I was going more for surprise."

"Close enough," I retorted, looking up at him, just barely able to make out his beautiful green eyes and rugged features in the dark. He carried me over to his bed, laying me down, making his way to the other side.

"I said I wanted to floor," I whispered attempting to stand up, but he slid down beside me, pulling me back over towards him.

"No, you said you'd take the floor. That didn't necessarily mean that you wanted it," he replied quietly. I paused, nodding slightly.

"Fair point, but I don't think your brother nor Cas would approve of this arrangement."

"Does it matter what they think," he asked.

"Well, considering your brother was flirting with me on the way here, I don't think he'd appreciate it."

"He'll get over it," the older brother scoffed.

"So, you're calling dibs on me," I asked quietly, glancing at Dean.

"I think I called them unintentionally when I first laid eyes on you," he whispered gently running his hand along my jaw. I smiled, flicking his hand away playfully.

"I'm okay with that." He smiled, scooting closer. I rested my head gently against his shoulder, pulling the covers over us.

"Goodnight Dean," I whispered sleepily.

"'Night Grayson."


Cowboys and Angels (A Dean Winchester/ Supernatural FanFiction)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora