Chapter 13: Carry On

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Chapter 13: Carry On

“What makes you say that,” Sam asked, looking up at me, surprise evident in his hazel eyes.

“Because in all of the visions that I’ve ever had, angels were somehow involved—from the very first one when I first met you guys up until last night, or well, I should say this morning,” I replied taking another sip of my coffee.

“I thought you only heard voices when you had the first one,” Sam started. “How did you know they were the voices of angels?” I smirked.

“I may or may not have told a small white lie,” I replied, innocently scratching the back of my head. Sam looked over, eyebrow raised.

“Hey! In my defense, I had only known Dean for less than an hour, and you guys for less than five minutes. Do you really think I would tell you the truth?”

“Fair point,” Sam said, nodding in acceptance. There was a long pause.

“If it makes you feel better,” I said a little while later. “I trust you guys now—with my life to some extent.”

“’To some extent’,” Sam repeated. “Understandable.”

“I don’t come to trust people very easily,” I said shrugging. “It’s not my style. I barely trust myself. Hell, I barely know what I’m doing these days.”

“Most hunters don’t have a clue. This world has crashed and burned. There’s no fixing any of this,” Sam sighed staring down into his coffee mug. “I don’t see why we try, so hard to fix everything.”

“Because this is all that’s left of who we once were,” I replied, tears welling up in my eyes. “And it’s all we have to hold onto anymore. Without it, we’d be just regular people. And that’s no fun, now is it?” Sam gave a small smile.

“No, I suppose not,” he laughed quietly.

“It may be pointless, but it’s all we have left.” Silence ensued. A small tear escaped my eye, rolling down my cheek. I hastily reached up and wiped it away with my sleeve, hoping Sam hadn’t noticed.

I finished the rest of my coffee, eventually becoming motivated enough to get up, wash it out, and set it beside the sink to dry. A wave of dizziness washed over me when I turned around. I reached back for the counter, but my hand met nothing, but air. A wave of terror washed over me as I stumbled back, losing my balance, flailing.

Then, I felt strong, unfamiliar arms wrap around me, sweeping me out of the air and pulling me against them. I looked up to find that Sam had caught me-- a childish grin plastered on his face.

“Gotcha~!” I rolled my eyes.

“Thanks,” I replied, grateful. He nodded, carrying me back over to the bed I had previously occupied, it’s clean, originally crisp white sheets now wrinkled. He set me down ever so gently, but as he did, he tripped over my bag, falling on top of me.

“SAM,” I cried, surprised. He flailed, much like I had earlier, attempting to get back on his feet.

Just then, the door flew open. Dean, Cas, and another much skinnier man, who was slightly shorter than the aforementioned, with dusty blonde hair, came walking in. Sam, who had managed to find his grip, rolled off of me and off the other side of the bed, hitting the solid wooden floors with a loud ‘thud’. Dean’s eyes widened, and Cas just looked thoroughly confused.

“What the hell,” Dean growled, anger flashing in his eyes.

“IT’S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE,” Sam and I cried in unison. Dean raised an eyebrow, his opinion seemingly unchanged.

Cowboys and Angels (A Dean Winchester/ Supernatural FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now