Chapter 19: Apocalyptic

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Chapter 19: Apocalyptic


Darkness everywhere.

Then a sound; a chiming sound-like a bell on a clear day, echoed off of seemingly invisible walls. My eyes shot open, but I couldn't see anything. I looked around frantically, clawing at empty air. My heart was racing, and I couldn't catch my breath.

Suddenly, a gust of wind careened under me, rushing past, and I felt my heart skip a beat as I was swept along with it, flailing helplessly as I flew upwards. The moving air eventually outran me, and I expected to start free falling, but instead I began descending slowly, as if something was preventing me from plunging downwards.

All was quiet, but I was still tense, clenching my fist in anticipation, waiting for something to strike at me from inside the darkness. When nothing did, I began to relax, letting the darkness cocoon me, rather than trying to escape the seemingly inescapable.

Usually in situations like this I wouldn't let my guard down, but something compelled me to do so-and seconds later I would regret giving in to it. Pain split up my back seconds later, making it feel as if someone was trying to slash me in half- as if a sharp, white hot blade was cutting into my skin.

I screamed, and was brought back to reality when my actual eyes flew open and I shot into a sitting position, clutching my heaving chest. Footsteps echoed outside the motel room door-looks like the brother's had brought me back here, but I didn't have time to see who it was before I was on my feet racing to the bathroom. I barely made it to the toilet before the contents of my stomach were emptied into it.

"Grayson," a questioning voice called out, sounding alarmed. I whimpered in response and to my surprise, Garth appeared in the doorway.

"Oh gosh are you alright," he inquired bending down, offering his hand. I nodded, taking it, grabbing the counter once I was helped onto my feet.

"Yeah... Just a bad dream, that's all," I replied quietly, looking up at myself in the mirror. I was wearing the clothes I had been wearing yesterday, yet today they were wrinkled, mostly likely from where I had slept in them. Today's smoky eye was courtesy of yesterday's eyeliner, and my eyes were bloodshot. Overall, I looked like a hot mess.

"Must've been a really bad dream for you to scream like that," he said leaning against the door frame. I glanced back, nodding.

"It was... painful, to say the least," I replied, wincing at the memory. "Let me brush my teeth, then could you help me back to bed?" He nodded. Pulling out my toothbrush, I washed the terrible metallic taste out of my mouth, replacing it with a refreshing mint zest. Placing my toothbrush back in my makeup bag, I stepped away from the counter, and Garth was instantly there, supporting me as I hobbled back to the bed I had been so painfully awoken in early.

"Thanks." The other hunter smiled.

"Do you want some coffee? We have some left over from earlier this morning." I looked up, eyeing his lanky figure as he walked into the small corner kitchen.

"I'd appreciate it," I replied gratefully, reaching for my bag, digging through it and pulling out a fresh pair of jeans and red plaid button down, dragging out a black V-neck t-shirt to go under it. I quickly changed while Garth was turned around pouring me a cup of coffee, settling back down on the bed afterwards, sitting crisscross applesauce, graciously accepting the cup of hot liquid energy when it was handed to me.

"Where are Sam, Dean, and Cas, anyway," I asked between sips, looking around at the Winchester-less and fallen angel-less room. Garth sat down at the table in the corner, shuffling through the out of date magazines that had been placed there.

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