Chapter 16: A Little Faster

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Chapter 16: A Little Faster

Dean and I went over what we found with Sam, Cas, and Garth. Turns out that the two men’s story matched the other three victim’s families stories perfectly, the only difference between the stories being that each of them were struck outside of a different bar. We also showed them the sideways hourglass symbol we had found at Mark and the other man’s house. Sam had me sketch it out on a napkin. All three of the other men glanced at each other when I showed my sketch to them.

“I take it you found that symbol at the three victim’s families homes, too,” I said, forcing back an almost successful smile. Sam, Cas, and Garth nodded in unison.

“Well, let’s see what we can make out of it. Sam, look up the locations of each of the five bars,” I said heading over to the small nightstand that sat between the beds, bending down and popping open the top drawer.

There was a Bible and a folded up map of the area and the nearby towns inside. I pulled out the map, making my way over to the table, unfolding the map and making a rather valiant attempt at rubbing out all of the creases. Dean handed me a pen, and I marked each of the bar’s locations on the map as Sam read them off with a small dot. Dean’s eyes narrowed.

“Draw a line between each of the dots in the order that the incidents happened,” he suggested. I nodded, drawing the first line between the locations of the two bars in Greenleaf where Mark and the other man and been struck. I then continued the line, running it through the dot that indicated the bar that was located between Appleton and Greenleaf where one of the three original victims had been struck. From there, I drew another line up to the northern most bar where one of the two victims left was struck in Appleton, finally drawing the last line from that bar to the last bar located below the previous one on the map in Appleton where our last remaining victim had been struck.

Together, all of these lines formed a sideways ‘Z’.  I raised an eyebrow, somewhat confused, dropping the pen, but then it hit me.

“Holy shit,” I whispered, my eyes widening. Taking the pen up again, I drew one last line from the bottom-most bar in Appleton, up through the center bar, to the northernmost bar in Greenleaf.

“Umm Dean,” I said elbowing the older brother. He looked down, a small gasp escaping his lips.

“Son of a bitch,” he said smirking. “Looks like all of this may come together after all.”

Sam glanced over the top of his laptop screen, a grin spreading across his face when he saw what had come out of all of this. Cas and Garth gathered around the table alongside the brothers and me. Garth let out a small huff of laughter, but Cas only looked confused, his brows furrowed as if he was trying to remember something.

“What is it, Cas,” I asked looking up at the fallen angel.

“That symbol, I’ve seen it before, but I can’t quite remember what it means,” he replied, his eyes narrowing.

“It’s the Nordic rune Dagaz, meaning ‘day’ or ‘dawn’,” Sam said scanning his laptop screen. “It’s often used to indicate or refer to a paradigm shift, or a significant shift within a group.”

“So, what,” Garth started raising an eyebrow. “Is it some type of warning?” I shrugged.

“Maybe? But warning us of what?”

“Or, in this case, of who,” Cas intervened. Dean shook his head.

“I feel like this may be bigger than just one person,” Dean intervened.

“And why do you say that,” Sam asked looking up at his brother.

“I just get this feeling that something bad is about to happen.”

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