Kidnapped (Revised)

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A/N: Just so you guys are aware, I am going through the book and rewriting it... again... this will be the third time I do a revision like this, and hopefully it will be the last. I'll leave markers to let you know where I stopped editing to help with confusion.

Chapter 1:

It was a normal day, but isn't that how they all start? You wake up in the morning, eat breakfast, and flip on the TV to watch your favorite show. Every day started that way for me. The second summer hit, I was a couch potato. For weeks my dad subtly hinted at the wonders of the world beyond our front door, but I sat content in front of the TV for weeks before he finally found a way to transform me from a lump on the couch back into a teenage girl with attitude. From then on, my day started with breakfast, a fight, and a quick walk around town to cool my heels.

That was my normal day.

Our morning routine was in full swing when my life changed forever.

"GET OUT OF MY LIFE!" I screamed. The door shuddered even after I slammed it behind me. I cut across our lawn rather than use the walkway, mostly to piss off my dad. He watched from the front window, glaring holes through the glass just like he did every day until I came home. My dog barked in the backyard, then whined pitifully when, through the wooden slats, she watched me leave without saying goodbye. I marched through my neighborhood in a rage, angry with my dad for forcing me to cook breakfast that morning.

"Lazy?" I growled to no one. "I was asleep! I'm sorry, I was just keeping myself healthy instead of waking up at the butt-crack of dawn to fix you some stupid eggs, dad."

The houses slowly disappeared and the residences were replaced by small business. I passed a dry-cleaning shop and glanced at my reflection in the window. My face was flushed and my hair a tangled mess. I didn't even have time to get ready before my dad started in on me that day. It was pure luck that I even had time to put real clothes on before he tipped my anger over the edge.

A van pulled up to the curb and I watched it in the reflection while I fixed my hair. No one got out, and glare from the sun made it impossible to see who sat behind the wheel. A sour feeling churned in my gut, but I shrugged it off.

No need to get paranoid and pissed off.

With my hair somewhat presentable, I continued my furious marching. I turned on the corner and slipped between the dry cleaners and a small sandwich shop. Dirt and trash mounted the sides of the buildings, sticky and caked in mud and grime. The disgusting sight fueled my rage and a soft breeze blew my hair away from my face. I indulged in imagining myself in a movie, the wind blowing through my hair while rage twisted my face. It reminded me of any female spy. Sexy and pissed off. 

Behind me, quick steps echoed off the close walls of the alleyway. That same sick feeling twisted in my gut and a cold sweat broke out on my back. I walked faster and stuffed my hands into my jacket pocket.

Quit being such a loser! I thought furiously. Oh, sure. As soon as someone else starts walking down the same alleyway, you're terrified. You might as well run back to daddy and tell him all about how the big bad pedestrian frightened you away while he walked to work.

I rolled my eyes, but stepped faster.

The footsteps quickened.

A shiver raced down my spine and the air thickened. The other end of the alleyway wasn't far, but it didn't seem to be coming closer no matter how fast I walked. Humoring my paranoia, I glanced over my shoulder just in time to catch a fist to the face. I dropped to my  hands and knees and stared at the ground in a daze. My jaw throbbed with each beat of my heart, hammering the side of my face. Strong hands gripped me and dragged me backward. We made considerable progress toward the other end of the alleyway before my dazed mind caught up with reality.

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