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Chapter 17:

"I hate to say it." Demitri woke me from the back of the van. "But you're right. Your son is there now."

The muscle man was sleeping beside me, his hot breath grazing the top of my head like a rancid plume of vaporized acid. I climbed into the drivers seat and peered at Demetri's lap where he had the tablet. The screen displayed the camera's view from across the street of the girl's house.

"When did he get there?" I yawned. I started the van and pulled out of the Wal-Mart parking lot.

"Let me see." Demitri started fiddling with the tablet. As we rolled out onto the highway he said, "ah ha! Just before sunrise. He's been there for a few hours."

"Good." I mumbled. My mind was already working to devise a plan to get them, to hurt them, kill her, and make him watch. I licked my lips at the thought of having her. She wasn't like the rest of my girls, she was very different. A fire that I could see radiating off of her from the second I saw her a few days before we took her. Stupid girl, she was just out with her daddy, grocery shopping, when they got into an argument and she left. I could still remember the clothes she was wearing, and I remember imagining myself tearing them off of her body. Andrew was in the van, he didn't know. All he knew was that I had gone hunting.

Maybe that's where I messed up with him. If only I would've taken him on the hunting trips, he would've realized what we were doing and how fun it was to chase them down and conquer them. Andrew had never conquered anything in his life. I, on the other hand, have conquered not only him and the girls, but the world. The authorities. Everyone. For four years I was able to go from town to town, snatching up pretty little toys without leaving so much as a strand of hair they could follow. My name was kept out of the news, my picture, my life was all secret. I was just a poor, divorced man, left alone to raise his son in the middle of the wilderness to teach him the ways of the world. The thing with teaching, you see, is that your pupil has to be willing to learn. I had waited too long before I finally realized my full potential, Andrew was too old to be taught. And look where that got me. Hiding from the police, never able to return to the privacy of my home, having to sleep next to a mouth-breathing, shaved ape with constant morning-breath, and wasting unimaginable amounts of gas because I was constantly moving.

"Where are we going?" Demitri looked around nervously. He was getting on my nerves with his constant questions and distrusting looks. O ye of little faith.

"To get breakfast." I sighed. The girl's dad always cooked breakfast in the mornings.

Author's Note:
Don't forget to comment and vote :)


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