Check Mate

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Chapter 18:

Andrew was nervous, his foot was tapping constantly, and he wouldn't stop rubbing the back of his neck. I was slightly upset with my dad for acting the way he did. Granted, a father shouldn't exactly be welcoming to the person who kidnapped his daughter, but he could've at least shown a little mercy. Andrew went through so much.

"How does he take girls?" I asked. "Let's see if there's a flaw in his plan there."

"Um." He rubbed his neck again. "Usually he spots them in a public place, like a mall or something. Most of the time he goes to rural towns, like this one, and grabs them from the grocery store."

"But how?" I pressed. "I mean his methods. Is there a hole or anything?"

"No." He shook his head. "He doesn't exactly have one method. He has several different plans he can choose from that's he's looked at inside and out. They're fool-proof. He's a genius."

A pan clattered to the floor in the kitchen, making both of us jump. My dad was frozen with his back to us, staring at the back door. It was positioned to the right of our table, and the arch ended just before we could see it. Daisy stood and stalked into the dining room, a low growl sent her fur up in spikes.

"Ashley." My dad was hardly breathing. "There are two men outside, trying to get into the house."

Andrew went pale, I felt the blood drain from my face and my heart race faster than ever before. I could already see Jerry sneaking around my home, testing every window to see if we kept it unlocked. Of course, we didn't leave anything unlocked anymore, despite my feelings of safety my dad knew that Jerry, and others like him, was still out there.

A lump formed in my throat and tears threatened to spill down my cheeks as terror rose within me. I was certain they would get in, take me, kill my dad and my dog, and finally get their way. Andrew said it himself, Jerry couldn't be stopped. There was nothing on this earth that could stop him. Not even the flimsy, little lock that he was picking at my back door.

My dad locked eyes with Andrew.

"Get her out of here." My dad said gravely. "You have a car here, right? Keep her safe."

"Dad." My vision blurred. "No, he'll kill you."

"Get her out of here. Now." He wouldn't listen to me. Andrew took my hand and pulled me off the couch, tugging me toward the door.

"Daddy." I felt weak, I knew time was running out. They could burst through the door in seconds, if that. "Daddy, I love you."

"I love you too, honey." He finally looked at me. He was just as scared as I was. "Now leave."

"But I can help you!" My voice was almost too soft to hear. Daisy's growls heightened my sense of alertness, but did nothing to soothe my growing horror. "The three of us can take them. It's just two of them!"

"Ashley. Leave now." My dad looked at Andrew sternly and I heard the door open behind me. I ripped my hand out of Andrew's and ran to my father, wrapping my arms around him as tightly as I could.

"Daddy, I'm scared." I sobbed. "Please, don't make me go. I can help you. He'll kill you!"

The lock turned and the door was thrown open. Standing in the threshold of my home, a triumphant grin splitting his lips, my nightmare locked eyes with me. The left side of his head was warped slightly, dried blood caked his ear and neck. His wild, animalistic eyes blazed with excitement at seeing his prey. A dizzying wave of shock slammed into me, numbing my mind.

Behind him was a massive, man of muscle. A tight black t-shirt stretched across his ripped chest and abdominals, the muscles bulging in an unsightly manner. He was at least a head taller than Jerry, his hair was thicker on both his head and his arms, and he looked ready to take care of business.

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