A Villain's Fate

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Chapter 13:

I hate shrinks. Especially when they keep suggesting that I've fallen in love with the boy who kidnapped me. After a week of hour long visits, I was cleared. At least for Stockholm Syndrome. Dr. King suggested that I continue seeing her to make sure I can properly handle the trauma of being kidnapped.

"I don't need a shrink." I was laying on the sofa with my arm over my eyes. I could hear my dad rustling in the kitchen making dinner.

"This isn't a discussion." He called from the kitchen. I sat up and peered at him through the large entryway that connected the main room to the kitchen. The sweet aroma of homemade Ravioli wafted into my nose. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. It was true that I was still suffering from the whole ordeal, but every second I spent at home or with my boyfriend I could feel myself healing. The first two nights I was back I kept having nightmares or I forgot that I was home and started screaming. My dad was never too far away, though.

"I'm fine." I persisted. "I can get over it."

"This isn't exactly something you just get over, sweetheart." My dad looked at me with one eyebrow arched. I was getting nowhere with him and that look just meant 'you're doing what I say regardless of your personal preferences.' I groaned and flopped back down onto the couch.

Daisy, my great dane-labrador mix, padded into the room. She rested her head on my stomach and looked at me expectantly. I smiled and scratched behind her ears.

She was all the therapy I needed.

Daisy's head jerked up when the doorbell sounded. She padded to the door, barking through it, warning the would-be intruder.

"Come in, Darren." I called over Daisy's warnings. My boyfriend stepped through the door holding a rose. His dark hair was swooped to one side, just above his eyes. He smiled when he saw me and crossed to me to kiss my lips. His touch was soft, gentle, and everything I needed. Axe Dark Chocolate wafted down over me, engulfing me in the sweet, musty smell of my boyfriend. I had to swallow hard to keep from crying again. The reality of being home and safe was almost too much for me.

"Hey, babe." He said softly. "I got you something."

He slipped the rose into my hand and kissed me again. I closed my eyes and held his cheek. He seemed to know just how much I needed him because he didn't stop until I had my fill of emotions.

"Hey, hey!" Even though I couldn't see him I knew my dad was rolling his eyes. "At least not where I can see you."

Darren smirked and walked into the kitchen.

"Hey there Mr. Jake." He said. "What's for dinner?"

I, almost reluctantly, got up from the couch and stood next to Darren, who then put his arm around me.

Home. Safe.

Small talk between my dad and Darren ensued while the Ravioli cooked, and we all set the table. When dinner was ready, my dad sat at the head of the table, I seated myself to his right, Darren took his spot across from me. I served the boys, then myself, and we held light conversation. Daisy poked her nose up by my side, sniffing the air, hoping to find a bit of human food she could eat.

"Don't feed her." My dad knew it was coming. "You know that the sauce makes her gassy. Just because you don't mind the stench, doesn't mean I don't."

I smirked at my dad, plucked a piece of Ravioli from my plate, and dropped it on the floor. Darren snickered and my dad just sighed.

"Why do you always choose to disobey me?" He threw his hands in the air and I flinched. An overwhelming fear gripped me.

"What happens when you disobey?" The words screamed through my head. Jerry's burning eyes came into focus, the kitchen around me melted away. I was back in the basement, Jerry was standing before with his hand raised, ready to strike me.

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