So Close (Revised)

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I bolted down the hallway as fast as I could. The door flew open behind me and my heart leaped into my throat as his heavy footsteps bounded after me. The way back outside was easy to remember, down the stairs, through the main room, then a straight shot through the kitchen to the front door. I took the stairs three at a time, teetering dangerously after every step, and found myself in the main room where Jerry and Skip were having a conversation in two chairs that sat opposite of each other. They both jumped to their feet, but hesitated, apparently shocked at my speedy escape. I was already past them and into the kitchen by the time they ran after me. The keys to what I assumed was the van were lying carelessly on the table. I snatched them up without missing a beat and sprinted to the door. I grabbed the handle and felt strong arms wrap around my waist and lift me into the air.

"No!" I screamed. I kicked the door sending both me and whoever was holding me falling back onto the floor. When we landed, I heard them grunt and I heard the other two rushing towards us. I scrambled to my feet, not taking the time to look behind me, and lunged for the door. I tore it open and used it to propel myself out of the house and onto the porch. My pursuers reached the door the moment my feet touched the gravel driveway. Blood rushed through my ears, all but blocking out the sound of three men chasing after me. I skidded to a stop beside the van, gasping for air. All those days sitting in front of the TV were finally catching up to me. Jerking open the door, I threw myself into the driver's seat and slammed the door shut. Andrew slid to a stop the van a breath after I locked the door. With trembling hands, I inserted the key into the ignition. The van backfired. Then died. I could hear my own heart beating like a drum against my rib cage as I turned the key again, this time slamming down on the gas. The engine stuttered, then turned. I sucked in a deep breath of relief.

Jerry appeared at the window, a pistol held high above his head. He threw his arm down, hitting the window with the butt of his gun. Shards of glass rained down on me as it shattered. Jerry reached into the van and trapped my throat in a vice grip. I groped for the gear shift wildly with one hand and clawed at Jerry with the other. The cold, black barrel of Jerry's gun rammed into my temple and I reeled away from him. Through the open window, he tore the door open from the inside and dragged me out onto the gravel by my hair. Rocks bit into my shoulder and raked down my arm. I twisted in his grip and beat against his hand with tight fists. The gun connected with my head with devastating force and the world spun. Already bruised, the side of my face throbbed hard enough to bring tears to my eyes. Jerry hauled me to my feet and jammed the gun against my battered cheek. Wicked glee blazed in his eyes. Matching the fire in his eyes, I glared up at him, determined not to let him see my fear anymore. He wanted a fight. Here it is. I lashed out at him wildly with everything I could think of. He blocked my furious fists and dodged the my kicking legs.

"Feisty!" Jerry laughed wickedly and threw me to the ground. I landed on my hands and knees. Jerry kicked me in the stomach before I could even lift my hands off the ground. I was stunned,  gasping for air. Pain throbbed in my head and gut, the perfect combination for a vomitous mess. I dry-heaved twice. The third time stomach acids burned through my throat and across my tongue. 

"THIS is how you do it, son," Jerry said.

Sudden pain was punctuated by perfect darkness.


I was upright in a chair, my chin resting on my chest. Duct tape bound my limbs to those of the chair. Like lightning, a streak of pain flared across the back of my head. I gasped and my body shuddered as memories of the recent events flooded back into my mind's eye. This nightmare wasn't over yet, not by a long shot.

I was so close. I thought miserably. I was almost there. Now I'm stuck here until- who knows when? To be sold? Tortured? I'll- I'll never see my dad again.

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