Chapter 11.

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“I just hate it so much Sky. I wish you were here SO bad.” I said into the phone.

“Im gonna be home in just a week and things will go back to normal.” Skylar said. “Doubt it.” I said sighing. “ouch..” I muttered under my breath.

“You alright?” she asked.

“Yeah I think so.. just.. Yeah. I guess it’s ok to say I’m definitely not pregnant.”

“Ah, I gottcha.”

“Aria!!!!!” I heard Lilia yell. “Aria!” Jillian followed.

“I gotta go I think Lilia and Jillian are killing each other.” I said.

“Ok talk to you tomorrow.” She said.

“Bye” I said while pushing the end button. I walked towards their bed room. Lilia and Jillian are the only ones who share a room. I guess its because Mike cant share a room with anyone since he’s the only guy besides Liam, and he sleeps with my parents. And Skylar has her own room, I mean she’s 20. And then there were two rooms left. So it was either Jillian and I share a room and Lilia gets her own, or they share a room. And since im older and need more space, there you go. “What is wrong you two?” I asked walking in still holding my side. “Jillian won’t let me hold Liam!” Lilia wined.

“Lili, you know your still to young to hold him alone.” I said taking Liam from Jillian. “And wasn’t he sleeping anyway?” I asked.

“He woke up..” Jillian said.

“And no one thought to tell me?” I asked patting Liams back, hoping he might fall back asleep for a bit.

“It was only a few minutes ago.” Jillian replied crossing her arms.

“Lilia can you go get Mike and ask him to come up here please.” I said, Because I knew she’d be glad to help, and I needed to talk to Jillian alone. Lilia ran downstairs to go get Mike. “Jillian, please, don’t be mad at me.” I said. “I told you all about Ezra!” I went on. “Yea, but you left out one little detail. That he was your teacher.”

“Jill..” I started.

“whatever Aria.” she spat.

“Wait.. Jillian you’re not mad about Ezra are you. You never get mad at me unless something bad happened… what is it?” I said.

“You promised me you wouldn’t sleep with him!!!” she said, or yelled rather.

“I didn’t, why would you think that?”

“The pregnancy test in your room.” she said. “Shoot” I thought. Mike came up just then. “You needed me?” he asked me.

“I don’t want any other babies in this house Aria! I want to live a normal life like

everyone else, I don’t want my teenage sister to have a baby, move in with her boyfriend and forget all about me!” she said. I handed Liam to Mike.

“I take it she knows.” he said.

“Jillian how did this suddenly become about you?!” I asked. “I’m scared to DEATH about this..” I said. She thought I meant the possibly I might be pregnant. I was more scared about the possibly I might be having a miscarriage because of how badly my stomach was hurting. “I didn’t sleep with Ezra, that’s all you need to know and you need to trust that when I keep something from you it’s because im keeping it from everyone else too. No one knows. not mom, not dad, not Hanna or Skylar or any of them.” I continued. I didn’t wait for her to reply but instead went down stairs and got some Tylenol. Ohh why cant it take the pain of life away as well?

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