Chapter 12.

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“You alright?” Mike asked.

“She’ll get over it.” I said Closing my eyes.

“No, I know things between you and Jill will be fine. I meant the fact that your eating chocolate, watching some comedy show you hate and laying with an icepack on your stomach.” he said.

“Mike, really? Think about it.” I said.

“Oh..” he said sitting on the couch next to me. “Can I do anything to help?” he asked. I sat up and looked at him.

“You're offering to help? Oh gosh, am I dying?” I joked, trying to make a lighthearted joke to keep Mike - And myself - from panicking.

“I just want.. I don’t know I want help.”

“Why?” I asked.

“I don’t know. Im just worried maybe the test was wrong and… maybe..”

“Wait, no, Mike I am not pregnant or having a miscarriage. Relax it’s fine.” I tried to assure him, eventhough I wasn't so sure myself.

 “Ok.. You just don’t look good.”

“Thanks Mike. I'm fine. Really.” I assured him.

“Alright, well I’ll be upstairs..”

“Mhm..” I said closing my eyes again as my stomach started to hurt worse.I sat up and brought my legs to my chin and turned the tv to a different channel trying to distract myself from the pain. Maybe Mike was right. Was I having a miscarriage? I tried to push the though out of my mind, but It wasn’t working. I went upstairs and got the pregnancy test out of my room, and took it. I went to my room to find my phone and called Emily immediately and filled her in on what was happening.

“Well what did it say??” she asked.

“I don’t know I haven’t looked.. Im too scared.” I sighed.

“Go look Aria. You need to before one of your siblings find it first.” she said. So I went back into the bathroom and turned the test over.

“Negative.” I told her.

“See?” she said. “Everything is fine, it's just that time of the month, ok?”

“But Em, it’s never hurt this bad before!” I said trying not to let myself cry.

“Do you want me to come over?” she offered. “Make sure your sisters don’t kill each other and try and distract you?”

“Umm.. I’ll call you back in a bit if it doesn’t get better ok?” I said.

“Sure.” she said.

“Alright, thanks. Bye” I said and hung up.

I was still in the bathroom, sitting on the edge of the bathtub starring at the test. Suddenly the pain got unbearable “Oh my gosh.” I said out loud, secretly hoping someone would hear me and come help.  “Mike??” I said trying to yell for him to hear me. But instead Jillian knocked on the bathroom door.

“Everything ok??” she asked.

 “Go get Mike for me please!” I said.

"Why, are you ok?”

“I won't be until you get Mike for me.” 

I sat down on the floor with my back up against the tub. Lilia came in now. “Aria, why are you crying?” she asked. Suddenly, I felt really sick. Like I was about to throw up. But I didn’t want Lilia to see me so out of it. Shaking, sweating and crying. “Lilia go to your room.” I told her pulling the trash can over to me. She just stood there in the door way for a second looking at me, as I started throwing up into the trash can. She walked in and put her hand on my back trying to comfort me like I would always do to her when she was sick. “Lilia, please go to your room..” I said again. She looked at me for one more second then walked out of the room. Mike came running in.

“Aria, what happened?” he sat down next to me.

“Oh my gosh.” Jillian said. “Aria your so pale!” 

“Jill call Ezra” Mike said handing her my phone. “Do you think your appendix burst or something??” 

 I nodded. “It hurts.” I said still SOBBING. Im the kind of girl who will never let my siblings see me crying or see me sick, or anything like that. The fact that I wasn’t even trying to hide it from them made Jillian so scared, and you could see it in her face.  I couldn’t even control it, the pain was so bad. “oh gosh.” Mike said. “blood.” Jillian finished for him. I looked down. There was blood all over my white sweat pants. I didn’t think it could possibly get any worse, but I was wrong. The pain got worse and im sure I was moaning like a woman in labor. …. Labor….wait… I looked over to Mike. “Mike..? I think im having a baby..” I told him. Im sure he thought I was just being crazy because of how white I was and how I looked to be half asleep. “What? Aria? Like a miscarriage?” he asked. “No.” I answered him.

Jillian was now talking on the phone to Ezra, I could hear Liam screaming his lungs out from his crib. Lilia was standing in the door way, and I could faintly hear Mike saying “Aria, can you hear me?” my eyes were closed and felt like I was gonna pass out at any second. “Shoot, that is a lot of blood…” I heard Jillian said into the phone. Right after that, I was sure I had passed out and was probably asleep for a while because the next thing I heard was Ezra’s voice. “Aria.. Honey….It's ok, Just breathe”

It was only a matter of seconds before a tiny, silent baby was placed in my arms. I didn’t even know what to think, what to do. I didn’t look down at it. I just starred at Ezra. “Did I just have a baby??” I asked crying. “I didn’t even know.. I mean.. I wasn’t.. im not…” "Hey.. It’s ok..” he said. I was too scared to look at it. Was he even alive? I looked to Mike who had blood all over his hands. Holy cow. I really did just have a baby. “But I, but I don’t even look pregnant!” I said. “Well Aria I can guarantee you, you were…” Mike said. “Take him.” I said. “Just take him from me I cant.. I don’t want to hold him or look at him..” Mike took the baby from me. “He, is a she.” he said. At this I finally looked at her. She was so tiny. I couldn’t believe it. She was absolutely beautiful though. “Is she alive?” I asked. “she’s breathing, but not crying.” He answered me. “oh my gosh….” I said, not knowing what else to say or do. Im sure I hadn’t made any sense this whole time. I was in so much shock, that after saying that all I could do was cry and stare at her. Ezra tried to but his hand on my shoulder to comfort me, but I shook my head. “Please don’t” I said. I didn’t want any body to touch me. I just sat there not sure what to do. Soon paramedics flew into the bathroom and immediately took her from Mike trying to get her to breath. And then they started to ask me questions. “Did you know you were pregnant?”

“Not until now”

“Do you have any idea when you got pregnant?”

“Anywhere from June to August.” I told them not taking my eyes off her.

“did you drink or smoke when you were pregnant?”

“No..” I answered. a lot happened that I don’t really remember. What I do remember is my parents showing up, and I remember crying into my moms shoulder. I remember seeing Jillian frantically explain the situation to my father. I remember my dad saying “I cant believe it. She really didn’t know, did she?"

Thanks for reading :)

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