Chapter 14.

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“So what did happen, Aria?” Ezra asked.

“Well…” I started. “I woke up with this pain in my stomach around nine, and I thought it was just my period or something so I ignored it. I got the kids breakfast and then laid down.. Then it got worse so I took some tylanole around noon. Then a hour or so later I went into the bathroom… and all of the sudden it went from bad to unbearable. And I started throwing up and getting dizzy and pale. My brother came in, and minutes later I passed out. When I woke up, Ezra was there and only about ten seconds later I had a baby in my hands. I don’t know how long I was knocked out for them to realize I was in labor…” I sighed. Then looked to Ezra for the answer.

“Mike said that you passed out at one-ten and he delivered the baby at one twenty three.” he said. My eyes lightened up.

“Really?” I asked.

“1:23, April 17th, 2011.” he repeated smiling.

“No, I mean.. he did that?” I asked. He nodded. I didn’t know what to say. I was so grateful to him, shocked he was brave enough to, and then slightly embarrassed by that. So I just laid back down and closed my eyes again. “Do you think it would be alright if we let Aria relax a bit before we go into detail about anything else?” my mom asked. The nurse said

“of course. Just push this button on right here if you need me and I can bring your baby into you as soon as the doctors say she’s all clear.” she said. “Wait..” Ezra stopped the nurse. “I don’t think its really my place to ask, but is.. Is she ok?” he asked.

“I haven’t seen her.” she answered. “but if anything was seriously wrong im sure someone would have told you. In the newborn unit, no news is good news.”

“thank you…” Ezra said not getting the answer he was satisfied with. My moms phone buzzed and she read it.

“Oh gosh..” she said placing a hand on her chest in a shocked way. “

What is it?” I asked.

“Nothing. Just.. Something about work.” she said. But I knew she was lying by the way she looked at me. I looked at the clock. It was only three thirty. I wanted to see my baby. But then again I really didn’t. but I also felt like the first couple hours are the best. I know Mike fed her her first bottle. I wasn’t going to. No way would I. but I felt like someone should, someone besides the nurses. So I let him do it. In another room of course. But my mom said my dad hasn’t left her side one single time and he’s been video taping her the whole time for me so I don’t feel like ‘I missed out on her first couple hours.’ “You can bring her in.” I said into thin air knowing Ezra or mom would call in the nurse. “I don’t want to hold her. But you guys can.” after that I closed my eyes again and this time, the next time I opened them, Ezra was holding his daughter. She’ll never be his daughter by blood. But I know that she knows exactly who loves her.

Born This WayМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя