Chapter 20.

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“Thanks Jill.” I said as Jillian handed me the bottle she made for Phoebe. “Welcome.” She said sitting on my bed. It was 10:00 PM on Friday night. Ezra had gone back to work today for the first time. The school gave him some time off. He just told them he was really sore and dealing with a lot of family issues, and he begged for the week off, but they gave him half a week since he didn’t have to leave town for any reason and couldn’t explain his ‘family situation.’ I’m still his student. But not for long. School ends May 25th. and today was April 24th. I don’t exactly know how I’m gonna finish out the last month and a half other then just simply toughing it out. There’s only a couple weeks left after all. I get a full week off, but I have homework to make up. (But only the necessary things. Not The review stuff, or anything that doesn’t really matter.) Then after that they said I can come in for a half day for a week, and just leave at lunch. Then after that I just have to get through the last week. I have to go back on Monday, but it’ll be ok. Skylar will be back tomorrow, so she can help watch her with my mom. My mom said until I finish school she’s gonna help with the night shifts so we get a full nights sleep. Her and my dad and even Mike sometimes (since he’s awake later than we are) feed her in the middle of the night. It takes a lot of stress off, specially since I still have Ezra. He’s been staying in my room. They haven’t really complained about him staying here. He helps with the dishes and such, and he doesn’t just lay around, ever. He’s always at the school, or doing something with Phoebe or I, or cleaning up. Or sleeping. So I guess my parents don’t care that he lives here as long as we don’t sleep together. I mean my dad still kinda gives him a bit of the cold shoulder when he sees him, but my mom really gets along well with him. So all is well. For now. I still need to work through a lot. I have two more secrets to spill to my parents. I still need to tell Toby he’s a father. Two tasks that could be very dangerous.


“You need to do it Aria.” Skylar encouraged me.

“I’m too scared to..” I sighed.

“You know it needs to happen.” she said. I was sitting in my room about to tell my parents my deepest darkest secret. The reason I slept with Toby, the reason I get freaked out every single time I call Mike and he doesn’t answer, because I think Toby’s come back to kill him or something. Ezra was at home for the night. Nothing happened, but I told him I needed the night to talk to my parents. He offered to take Phoebe with him but I don’t really want her out of my site. Mike has her in his room right now. He knows what I’m telling my parents. And so do Skylar and Ezra. The only other people I told were My grandmother and Alison. But neither are here to help me tell my parents. Mike only knows because I had to tell him to make sure he watched his back. Skylar knows because I told her the night it happened. I needed SOMEONE to comfort me, and I was scared if I told my parents they would never talk to me again. “Aria, they are not going to be mad at you. They can help you, and they can keep Jenna and Toby away from you, away from Mike and away from Phoebe.” She said.

“Two people died because of what we did. I will never, ever forgive myself for this.” I said.

“You need to, Aria. You were young. You didn’t mean to do it.”

“I know that in my heart. It doesn’t change the fact that Ali died because of it.”

“Ali died because of an evil girl named Jenna. Not because you two …” I stopped her from talking by putting my hand on her knee as my father stood in the doorway.

“Did you need to talk to your mother and I?” he asked. Skylar nodded at me. “Yea…” I answered him. “Can you call her up here?” I asked. He nodded and left to find my mother.

“It’ll be ok.” Skylar told me. She gave me a hug then left the room. I sat on my bed waiting for my parents, with my heart racing so fast and hard I could hear my pulse in my head. The pound of my heartbeat seemed to match the sound of my parents footsteps coming up the stairs. My parents walked in silently and sat on my bed. They could tell I had been crying, and hopefully they would go easy on me. So I spilled it to them. All of it. I tried not to remember that horrible day, but it all seemed to come back to me.

Sorry it's been so long!!! please comment:)

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