Chapter 5

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A/N: Another chapter for you guys.


Camila Pov

I was born in space. I never felt the sun on my face, or breathed real air or floated in the water ... none of us here has.

Over 114 years ago, a nuclear apocalypse killed everything on Earth, leaving it exposed to radiation, but fortunately, not everyone was on earth. At the time, 12 were space stations in orbited to form the Arko.

5 generations, humans survive here with the dream of setting foot on Earth again and breathe fresh air ... but this is our reality: overpopulation, with food and water distribution subsidiaries, controlled oxygen, all controlled.

The Chancellor Simon Cowell hid from us for years that selfishness and lack of humanity it did all go wrong here. He and the other directors, for their own benefit and for a long time, were corruption of food and oxygen, manipulated for all the best going for themselves, leaving the rest of the population starved and often killed some people to "remain "and divide the resources among the 12 stations. If this was fair? No!

My parents, who were directors of Arko, didn't like that way, it dirty seeing others die unjustly and then decided to leave the Board. For fear of them count for all Arko everything that happened, Simon decreed the death of my parents, launching them into space and leaving me completely orphaned.

I was stuck in my room, still trying to recover from the death of my parents, wondering how it would be going forward. Wasn't even 10 hours they were ejected from the vacuum of space and I was still paralyzed, without even moving a muscle of my shock body size. I was a simple high school student that was interning in the ward, nursing the Arko, and now, without those I love so much, I'm what?

First of all, I heard Chancellor Simon Cowell say I was too dangerous to Arko, because I probably knew something that would compromise his reputation here. And yes, I know much.

~ Flashback on ~

"Alejandro Cabello and Sinuhe." An armed Arko guard said loudly, coming suddenly into our room.

"Yes?" My father got up from the bed, a little groggy.

"You are trapped." The guard said while two others entered the room and arrested them.

The guards put handcuffs on the wrists of my parents and pushed them out of the room, like a bunch of animals. I looked at my mother and her expression already said what would happen and I was already trembling with fear, following them through the halls.

"What is going on?" I asked nervously.

None of the guards responded. We arrived in the vacuum ejection wing and Chancellor Simon Cowell extremely serious.

"You do not need to do this, Cowell." my father said. "You know I will not do anything." my father said pleading.

"Don't trust anyone, Cabello, you know that." chancellor Cowell said.

"Please don't do anything with Sinuhe, she is innocent, it's all my fault." my father said.

"Nice try, but I am sorry to have to do this." Simon says.

My father was extremely discouraged, nodding and stared at me.

"Does she know anything?" Simon asked.

"No, I swear to God." My father said.

Simon looked me up and down and nodded.

"Don't worry, she will not suffer any consequences." Simon says.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2016 ⏰

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