Nightmare (Chapter 11)

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Quote: "Teachers learn from the student just as much as a student learns from a Teacher."

Chiron was surprised to see me come into his office. He didnt know who I was yet but that was going to change soon.

I noticed he looked more old, if that was possible. He seemed to be starting to grow white streaks of hair, most likely due to stress. He had bags under his eyes as if he slept less. Overall, he seemed run down. Annabeth once told me before that gods or powerful beings can change appearence overtime, so Chiron could have removed all his bags but it seems he really doesnt care.

"You seem extremely tired" I say

"Well, it has been rather difficult with those two around. I must thank you on getting rid of them. What is your name by the way?" Chiron asked

"I will tell you soon, but for now I must ask. How has it been the last two years?" I ask

Chiron let out a deep sigh. "Well, ever since the exile of Percy Jackson, those two have dictated over camp. Anyone they didnt like was exiled and had died or joined the Hunt or Camp Jupiter. They didnt do any of the work that was intended for them, they never helped train the new demigods, or check up on camp. The two spent all their time either remodeling camp in their own image or were making out in public" Chiron spoke with disgust.

"It was awful, without leadeship, the camp was practically scattered. Nobody could stand up to them because they were too powerful. They had forced me to do the work they were supposed to do. I was considering about leaving to my brothers until you came and kicked them out." He continued.

"I still cannot get over the exile of our greatest hero. He was the bravest demigod to live in fact. He had helped us through two wars, yet was banished to Tartarus. I sometimes communicate with Hestia, and she has told me he still sacrifices food to some gods. Poor boy, I wonder what is must be like in there for two years." He said sadly.

"I have heard of this story many times. I have visited the Hunt and Camp Jupiter and informed them as well. I would like to tell you that Percy Jackson is no longer in Tartarus." I state

Chiron raises an eyebrow. "How?

"He was needed by the gods to fight another war, and the gods had ripped him out of Tartarus to fight for them." I said.

Chiron seemed surprised. "How do you know all this?"

I smile and raise my hood. Chiron's eyes widen at my face. I can tell he can see how different I look.
Chiron pulls me into a centaur-hug.

"When did you become so powerful? And...." Chiron continues on with the questions. As he talks I see the bags and other things dissapear as he becomes more relaxed.

I tell him eveything. He seemed really shocked to hear about Zoë, Chaos, and my new Powers. He was surprised to hear I was part mortal, god, and Titan.

I asked him about this and if this affected anything.

"Frankly, I do not know. No demigod has ever been part Titan before, much less a god as well. I know how you received you mortal and Titan power, but I must ask, when did you become a god?" He asked

"Due to my immense blessings, as well as immortality, I had the power of a minor god. After a century of training, I am as strong as an Olympian, and my blessings can no longer be removed unless I want it to." I state.

Chiron studies me, he has seen a lot, but this is new to him. "I see. It may have several effects on you, I am not sure what, but I can assure you that it will not be dangerous. Maybe."

I chuckle, thats the first time I have ever seen him unsure. We spoke for a while, talking more about what happened at camp while I was gone. It seems that most of my oldest friends were no longer here. Clarrise was killed by Jack because she didnt obey him. Drew was killed by Annabeth because she thought Drew was more pretty than her. The Stolls were both killed because they played pranks on Jack.

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