Downfall of Greece and Rome (Chapter 40)

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Quote:   "Find your resolution, not someone else's."

Pontus's words hit me hard. At first, I found it to be almost a fantasy. That couldn't be true, it just...didn't make any sense in any way I could think of it. The Greek world was coming to an end...? That brought up more questions than it answered, and I wasn't very happy about it.

What about the Roman pantheon? What happens to them?

What happens to us?

Is everything just going to disappear?

" did you even find out about any of this? You're certain that this is actually going to happen?" I questioned the elderly deity, trying to find my own sense in this ocean of confusion.

"Look around you. Many minor gods and lesser beings have already faded, you just haven't noticed. Nobody does. They are mere backround figures, which we rarely ever see. Now that they are gone, it's exactly the same, except that they were apart of our foundation. Mother Gaea hinted to me about this day, but I never understood what she implied back then, all those years ago." Pontus sighed, his mind looming into the distant past.

"But...things can't just end...can it?" I tried to reason.

"You misinterperet what I mean. Think of it as being replaced in a sense. Bigger and brighter days are ahead, but I don't know what it entails. I am only certain that beings like me and others will not be there to witness it with our own eyes." Pontus said gloomily, digging his hand into the sand. 

He grabbed a handful of sand in his hand and crushed it.

"Why are you telling me this?" I asked, pacing around back and forth in a state of thoughtlessness.

"Because it wouldn't be fair if I didn't. You've met Lady Chaos, and she is fully aware of the situation as well, in fact, she probably knows more than I. It is because she will be the one to give the last stand, she is our divine creator, and when the time comes, she will give up her place as creator and that will be when our civilization crumbles." Pontus explained.

I don't recall talking to Chaos in a long time. The last time I saw her was hard to place exactly. Maybe something happened to her while I wasn't around her, or maybe she had known about this the entire time, and hadn't explained it to me out of resentment for herself.

" conlusion, you are telling me that you are no longer after Olympus. It was Jack all along who planned this invasion, and the world may or may not end soon?" I said with a straight face, but I couldn't help but think about how upside-down the world had become.

"That's certainly one way to put it." Pontus replied, looking down at the sand.

"Shoot...what am I supposed to do now?" I said with a hand on my head, as this was much more than I expected in the first place.

I came here thinking I was going to scout out Pontus's palace, only to land right next to him. I expected a war to be coming, but it turns out it was all a fabrication. I thought things were bad enough, only to find out that the world I live in is going to end soon.

"Do as you like. Consider that this "collapse" will be soon. Not now, but it will come, and when it does, you will not even know that our world has ended. My clock is almost up, and over thousands of years of life, here is where I depart. You will not see me again, so I warn you to prepare for what is to come. It will not be a bad thing I suppose, this new world." Pontus lisped, a little too wispy for my liking.

"What do you mea-" I turned around to face him to ask what on Green Gaea he meant by that.

But he was gone, and the faint smell of salty mist filled the air.

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