Death Notice (Chapter 35)

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Quote: "The depressed dwell in the past, and the anxious exist in the future. Only the ones at peace live in the moment."

"What do you mean he DECLARED war?!"

  I cried, full of surprise and immediate shock at the unexpected news. This morning, I had planned to find Nico and meet up with him, but I was interrupted as Chiron brought up some urgent news to me. Apparently something about Pontus came up.

Chiron sighed and shifted his shoulders as he handed me the letter.

"I don't know. The gods have received this, and they said it was aimed at you. Pontus's actions have been...abrupt to say the least." He shrugged, somewhat discouraged. He looked at the worn paper with uncertainty, but was mostly just anguished.

"So what you're telling me is that Pontus wants to war. Right here, right now, with no punches pulled?" I said with unbelief. I grabbed the paper and looked closer at it, and what I saw astounded me on so many levels. There was literally only one sentence on the entire piece of paper, and half of it was just blank.

Olympus will fall. Do not be foolish, surrender at once, or face my wrath.


"...what?" I looked at Chiron to see if he had read the same thing I was, and he looked just as clueless as me.

"This is ridiculous..." The horsemen sighed, rubbing his face with his palms.

"What kind of war declaration is this?" I stated plainly. 

Pontus wasn't least I think he's not. After what had happened in the past, he should know he can't just expect us to give up so quickly. This was a letter that declared war, and demanded a surrender at the same time. I couldn't believe my eyes, how could a being nearly as old as time have written this?

"Does he really think we'll just lie down and roll over?" I said.

"No...I would think not. This doesn't seem like a logical move for Pontus at all. Surely he is arrogant, but not ignorant." Chiron implied.

"Are you even sure this is Pontus? Tyson could come up with a better threat letter, and I think he's still learning to write in English." I noted.

"There are very few beings that could have sent this to Olympus to the gods directly. Most of those beings are irrelevant or aren't against us, so it's very unlikely it's a fraud." Chiron explained. That made sense at least, but that made the situation a bit more complicated than it already is.

"That doesn't sit very well with me. Something isn't right about this. Tell the campers to stay within the barriers at all times and be alert of any unusual activities. I'm gonna have to confirm this for myself." I told Chiron, and he nodded agreeably. 

He left for the Big House, and I was left stunned at this peculiar revelation. Pontus actually expects us to raise the white flag. The thought was absurd anyway it could be looked at. Why was he doing this? What is he thinking? Did he even write this thing?

Is there some form of godly marijuana that I don't know about that he uses?

I needed to get to the bottom of this. 

We hadn't expected to war so quickly at this time. After all, we expected some time off for him to build his army and same for us. Tactically, this was a very dangerous move. He could be trying to catch us off guard and overrun us while we thought we were safe, but I doubted that greatly. I don't think Pontus has the power or resources to overpower the godly world, not even close. Does he not know that Chaos is on my side as well?

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