The Fate of Olympus (Chapter 17)

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Quote: "What you do is not important, it is what you do for others that is important."


The Iris message looked like a true nightmare. Every powerful monster, Titan, Typhon, and more all were chasing the worn down Olympians. I start to breathe heavily, either from stress or the fact that I just beat Kronos and Law.

I need another plan, but what possible plan could be made? Not many demigods were still able to fight, and there were still thousands of monsters across the world. The gods were all running away for once, it was an unsolvable problem.

Its like fighting an army of bears with an army of squirrels,  its not gonna happen.

I sigh as I go deep in thought, trying to figure out a plan. I think desperately,  the Olympians may be here soon to make a final stand.

Ugh, why isn't Annbe- she here? She was supposed to be the planner,  where is she and that Jack-ass? (Puns!)

Probably still munching on each others faces, as always.

Ah darn ADHD, I am wasting Time!.



I got it!........I think. Remember when I teleported all the demigods and gods here, maybe I could teleport the monsters somewhere else. It would take a lot of energy, too much, but it was my only plan that could work.
But where would I teleport them to? Underwater is my first thought,  but Oceanus would hold a huge advantage, as well as Typhon.

Lava Pit? Nah, Krios and any fire monster would become stronger, and it is not my element.

Desert? Nah, neither of us have an advantage, plus no water.!

The Moon!

The moon seems good, no mortals, and some moisture in the atmosphere. I can breathe since I am a God and Titan, but that means Typhon and all of them can breathe there too. But it would even the playing field, since many monsters cannot breathe in space. However,  I would be extremely tired from the teleportation, and I would be unable to win against all of them, but they will never make it back to earth for several centuries when they get the power to teleport back.. That is what the prophecy meant, for Olympus to survive, I must die.

As I finish my thought, the Olympians rush in the gates. Each of them look battered or damaged.

"Holy crap, so many of them..." stated Ares.
"We barely made it out." Said Apollo.
"Olympus is doomed." exclaimed Zeus.

They noticed me standing, with Kronos' s dust and Law's body near me.

"There is no hope." Was among the common statements stated by many gods.

"No there is always hope. I have one last plan, it will work, I need to get out there." I say

"Are you insane? They are all out there, they will be here soon!" Said Apollo

"My plan will work, I know it will." I state adamantly.

"What must we do?" Asked Athena.

"Nothing" I reply.

The gods stared at me oddly.

"You plan to fight all of them yourself? Thats not a plan, that's suicide!" Athena exclaimed.

I told them all my plan, but they seemed shocked by my choice.

"Why don't you just teleport them? Why teleport yourself?" Asked Athena.

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