Chapter One: After the War

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Chapter One

After the War

I ticked my pencil on my notepad as I continued to repeatedly look over the patient's file. The man is in his forties and suffering from nausea and vomiting. His feet were swollen as well as his ankles. He can't eat for the pain he must stand afterwards. Now his kidneys are trying to shut down.

Come on, Sakura, think! I said to myself. What could it be? Defiantly not Appendicitis nor his lymph nodes, they were in perfect condition. Maybe he's a Diabetic! I need to do a scan of his pancreas. Then if I'm right, I'll have to give him a prescription of insulin shots.

I hope I'm right, I thought tired if seeing this case.

I picked up my notes and stuck them in his folder then filed it in the cabinet. Sighing, I picked up my things and started on my way home.

"Have a nice night, Doctor," Ria, my secretary, told me as I slid on my jacket.

"You, too, Ria."I nodded to her, as I ducked out the door.

It was around two in the morning as I finally made my way out of the hospital. It's been over a year since the war ended and touches of it were still found on some of the buildings. We're still in the middle of rebuilding, I reminded myself. It probably won't be back to its original form for awhile.

Since the war had ended I had become the head doctor for the second floor of the hospital. I was honored, of course, and extremely happy that my hard work had finally paid off, but gosh it's a really tough job full of hard decisions and late nights. I had also become a Jounin and turned eighteen. My life was slowly become better.

As for Naruto, he's doing great. He's a Genin and is working on becoming a Jounin. He's apprenticing Lady Tsunade and training with Kurama. He just turned eighteen a few months ago and is becoming an even better man. Hinata and him are together now, have been for a little over a year now. I couldn't be happier for him.

Sasuke is back as well. He just recently was allowed to become a Genin, but is still under close surveillance. Lady Tsunade let him return on certain restrictions such as he is to live with Naruto until further notice. He is forbidden from leaving Konaha for five years, unless he is given orders from Lady herself, and must be under constant watch by ANBUs. He spent three months in prison as well. We haven't went on any missions together and to be honest we never see each other anymore.

He apologized for trying to kill me when he came back and that's been the only time we've spoken.

I heard the loud obnoxious laughter of a familiar blonde headed boy coming from up ahead of me. He was wearing his orange pants and black t shirt. At his side was none other than the copy cat ninja himself, Kakashi Hitake.

"Oi, Sakura-chan, what are doing out at this hour?" Naruto called out to me.

"I just got off of work," I told him with a smug smile."What's your excuse?"

"Just got back from a transport mission,"he explained."A prisoner from Sand was located here and we were given orders to take him back."

"Ah,"I nodded."Fun."

"Yeah, so what are you doing tomorrow?"He continued.

"Nothing, sleeping in, I guess," I laughed."What about you?"

"Well, when you wake up you should come have some dinner with us,"He invited. "Ramen around 6?"

"Sure,"I smiled, feeling happy for the possible return of our routine."Who alls coming?"

"Me, Kakashi, Sasuke, and maybe Sai, If he feels like coming," Naruto laughed.

"Alright,"I said."I'll be there."

"Good,"Naruto smiled."Do you want me to walk you home?"

"No," I smiled."I'm fine. Almost there anyways, but thanks though."

"Okay, well, we gotta get to Ba-chan's office so I'll see you tomorrow." He nodded to me.

"Okay, see ya!"I told him and with a nod towards the oddly quiet Kakashi, I was on my way home.

The walk was quiet and lonely. It was odd, I've walked this road by myself a multitude of times and never felt this way. Maybe it's because of Naruto. I miss him, to be honest. I think our relationship is growing apart, but why would I just now notice this? Ah, who knows. I'm just tired and want to get home.

The door creaked open and I swiftly slipped off my shoes. With a glance at my Genin graduation photo I walked into the dimly living room. My dad was asleep on the couch with his daily report laying over his chest.

Mom died during the war so I find him like this most nights. I don't like coming home, but at the same time I do. I like seeing my dad's giddy smile as I walk through the door or smelling his burnt cooking. This is my home now and I'll take it that way.

I gently shook his shoulder and he immediately awoke, his ninja training coming in to play.

"Long shift?"He asked.

"No, just a lot of patients," I smiled.

"Dinners in the oven,"He smiled, scratching the back of his head."It's chicken with curry sauce."

"Okay, but you should go to bed,"I told him, walking to the kitchen."It's late and you have a mission at 8 a.m."

"Yeah, yeah,"He waved his hand as he rose from the couch."I'm going."

"Goodnight, daddy,"I told him."See you in the morning."

"Goodnight, princess,"He kissed my forehead as he walked pass."Sleep good."

I fixed my plate as I heard his door shut and the sound of the bed springs squeak. Taking my normal seat at our small round table, I slowly ate the half burnt, spicy food.

I looked around the house and took a deep breathe. It stilled smelled like my mom. The smooth scent of vanilla and lavender went through my nostrils. I missed her. I miss her cooking especially, I thought with a laugh. I miss a lot of things.

I got up and started to clean the dishes. I miss my friends. Images of Naruto, Ino, and Sai flashes through my head. I miss my team. I miss my mom. I miss my old life. Before the war. Before Sasuke came back. Before any of that.

I slowly made my way to my bedroom, across the hall from my dad's. Reluctantly, I crawled in the shower. The hot water melted away my stress from the day and calmed me a bit. I could feel my muscle loosen up and I sighed.

Getting out of the shower, I threw on a t shirt and slid into bed. I rolled over to turn off the light and noticed my picture frame was laying face down. That's odd, I thought. Has someone been in my room? I set it back upright and stared at it. It was the first picture we ever took as a team. With Naruto glaring at Sasuke and Sasuke just staring blankly at the camera. I was smiling, of course, like I always use to do. Then Kakashi was just giving a sly smile and patting the boy's heads. If we only knew what was to come then we wouldn't have been smiling. We would have been crying.

Shaking the feeling of depression off of me I pulled the blanket up over my head and searched for sleep. I prayed it would come soon.

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