Chapter Eight: Forgiveness

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Here ya guys go 😘 hope you enjoy! At this point right now in the manga, I'm a little confused, but happy at the same time lol Obito makes me angry, but I still like him at the same time and I feel bad for him 😔
But anyways, here's the chapter and I have some sad news: The next chapter won't be up until like Friday of next week 😭 I'm watching Attack on Titan and have become addicted! I finished Code: Breaker and then my boyfriends like hey you should watch Attack on Titan and then I did and here I am lol 😆 but I'll try to do so whenever I'm not watching it. Sorry . . .
~Kei-chan ❤😘

Chapter Eight

Beep. Beep. Beep.
"Shut up," I mumbled, lifting my hand to hit the alarm clock. When my hand didn't hit anything, my eyes shot open.
I looked around, realizing that I was in the hospital. My head filled with a stinging burn as I tried to lift myself up and a hand pushed me back down on the bed.
"Lay down," Kakashi's voice commanded. "You hit your head."
"She's awake?" I could hear Naruto say, opening the door. "How ya feeling, Sakura-chan?"
"Mnn," I groaned, putting both of my hands on the sides of my head. "What happened?"
"Sasuke said you all fell from the cliff and that you hit your head on a tree branch," Kakashi informed me, taking a seat next to my bed. "You lost a lot of blood and suffered a concussion."
"I believe it," I mumbled, laying back on the pillow. "Where is he?"
"Sasuke is outside, guarding the doors with Sai," Naruto answered. "He feels bad for you getting hurt."
"Eh?" I laughed, making my head pound. "Why? It was my own fault I got hurt, not his."
"But he still feels guilty because he said he shouldn't of put you underneath him," Naruto explained."He said he didn't mean to, he just didn't have time to turn you two."
"But it was an accident," I argued. "I want to talk to him."
"He won't come inside," Kakashi commented. "Refuses to."
"Then I'll go see him," I swung my legs over the side of the bed.
"Stop, Sakura," Naruto grabbed me. "You're in no shape to be going after him."
"I don't care," My head was pounding. "I need to talk to him."
"I'll try to reason with him, just stay here." Naruto said, pushing me back into the bed. He left the room without another word.
I took a deep breathe then the scent of that room filled my nostrils again. I snarled my nose up. What the hell happens there? I thought.
"Sakura," Kakashi's voice brought me back. "The files you brought back are those of the missing medics."
"Where are they?" I asked, looking around for them.
"I have them right here," He lifted his hand. "I have to turn them in to the police chief tomorrow, though."
I nodded, taking them from his hands. They were splattered with some blood, making the pages a little sticky.
"I'll look over them in just a little bit," I told him."Did you already look?"
"Yes, they are very gruesome," He shook his head. "They've been removing their organs to sell to patients on transfer list. Some of the victims weren't even dead before their organs were removed. It's disgusting."
My stomach twisted.
"Sasuke said that one of the women there was called Heisuke?" Kakashi asked.
"Yes, she was a doctor," I thought. "Or at least that's what they called her."
The door opened and Sasuke stepped in, his scarf drawled up over his mouth.
"You wanted me?" He asked, not looking at me.
"I'll leave you two alone." Kakashi got up and left, shutting the door behind him.
"Come here," I told him.
"What is it, Sakura?" He mumbled, uninterested.
"Set. Down."
He shuffled across the room and sat down where Kakashi had been. He didn't look at me still, just stared straight ahead.
"Sasuke," I started. "It's not you're fault."
"Hn," He leaned back in the chair, his arm setting up on the chair arm, rubbing his hand across his chin.
"It was an accident," I was literally begging for him to look at me. "Sasuke, don't blame yourself."
"Sasuke?" I asked, ready to cry.
"I have work to do," He said, getting up.
"Sasuke," I called after him. "Talk to me."
After a long pause he said, "What do you want me to say?"
"Anything," I mumbled, hands shaking. "Tell me what's wrong with you? Why are you being so cold? Why are you being so distance? It's like you're the old you, again."
"Don't ever say that," He whispered, back still turned to me. "I will never be that person again."
"Then talk to me," I repeated. "Why are you blaming yourself? It was just accident. You didn't have enough time to switch us."
"It's not just that, Sakura," He reached for the handle. "It's everything I ever did."
"I thought we were past this?" I whispered.
"I can't just forget everything I did in just one year," He replied. "I'm sorry. I'm just not ready for that yet."
"For what?"
"Forgiveness," He replied. "I'm not ready for your forgiveness."
"But that's not your decision," I answered. "It's me you did those things to and it's my decision when I forgive you for it."
"But it's my decision when I decide to be forgiven for what I did," He pulled in the handle. "And I'm just not ready for that."
"Sasuke," I felt tears spill down my cheeks as I let my feet hit the floor. I was unable to get up and just set there.
He stopped.
"Please stay," I cried. "Please . . . Please stay with me. I don't want to be . . . alone. I can't do it no more."
He turned and looked at me for the first time. His eyes were full of despair and guilt. The door shut and he walked back towards me. He stopped in front of me and bent down.
"Stop crying," He brushed my tears away. "You're always crying. You're always such a baby, Sakura."
"Shut up," I snuffed. "You're always mean to me. What do you expect me to do? Just set here like a statue and take everything you say and do like its nothing?"
"I'm sorry," He said, brushing my hair back behind my ears. "I really need to stop making you cry, don't I?"
I nodded, taking a deep breathe.
"I just don't think I can trust myself to not hurt you, Sakura," He pressed his forehead against mine. "I can't stand myself for as much pain as I've caused you already, I don't think I could survive if I caused you anymore."
"But I forgive you," I touched his face, making him close his eyes as I brushed my fingertips across his lips and cheeks. "And I want you to accept that forgiveness."
"Hm," He mumbled.
"What do I have to do for you to accept it?" I whispered, pressing my forehead against his.
"Nothing," He grabbed my wrist. "This is all me, Sakura. You just have to be there for me."
"Okay," I smiled. "I can do that."
Sasuke stared at me, his eyes clouded by his lashes. He lifted my chin and pressed his lips against mine. They were soft and warm. His calloused hands were on both sides of my face, deepening the kiss. I curled my hands into fist around the collar of his jacket and pulled him closer. Both my hands found there way to his hair, twining their way through the silky locks. He pushed me back on the bed and I situated myself so that it was easier for him to hover over me. His arms held him up so he didn't squash me and my legs wrapped themselves around him.
I broke away from him to breath and he continued to kiss down my chin and along my neck. Is this really happening? I thought. Am I really doing this?
"Sakura?" Naruto knocked on the door, making me jump.
Sasuke pulled himself off of me with one final kiss and sat down on the foot of he bed.
"Yeah?" I asked, pulling myself up.
Naruto opened the door and stepped inside.
"Your dads on the phone," He held up my pink cell phone. "It's the second time he's called today, I think you better talk to him."
I nodded taking the phone from him. Naruto slid into the chair and slouched down, obviously tired.
"Daddy?" I said, feeling suddenly full of happiness.
"Are you okay? What happened? Do you want to come home? Anything you want, baby, daddy can make it happen," His voice was full of concern.
"I'm okay, dad," I smiled. "I just hit my head that's all. I promise."
"Do you need anything? Want anything?" He asked again.
"No, daddy," I laughed. "I'm fine."
"Okay," He breathed. "What happened?"
So I then explained everything to him, leaving out the part about were I told Sasuke I loved him. As well as the part about Sasuke and I being so close in the crevice. Dad made his comments about men trying to beat a girl then brought up the subject of being a gentlemen. I laughed. It felt like we talked for hours every time we got on the phone together. Just to hear my dads laughter was enough to soothe me.
"I miss you, Sakura," Dad commented. "It's too quiet here without you. You're usually making some form of noise rather it be the silverware banging around or you dancing to some song on the radio."
"I miss you, too, dad," I laughed. "And don't worry I'll make sure to play the radio as loud as I can when I get back."
"It doesn't smell right in here either," I could hear him sniff the air. "It's plain and doesn't smell like clean cotton fabric or something nice."
"Then spray some febreeze or burn some candles," I told him. "Don't forget you have a physical appointment on the 5th."
"I remembered," He said. "Today is the fifth, honey. I went already."
"I've been out for two days?" I exclaimed. "Why didn't you guys wake me up!?"
"We were told not to," Sasuke answered. "The nurse said to let you wake up on your own."
"Is that Sasuke?" Dad asked, sternly. "He's not in there with you alone is he?"
"No, dad, Naruto's here, too," I replied glancing over at the now snoring Naruto. "Are you doing alright by yourself, dad?"
"As good as I could be doing," He muttered. "I just wish you were home already."
"Me, too," I frowned. "I'll be home as soon as possible, I promise."
"Alright," He laughed. "I love you and I'll let you go so you can get some rest. Bye, princess."
"I love you, too, daddy," I said, laying back on the bed. "Bye."
The phone clicked, leaving me to silence. I slowly sat down the phone and stretched back out on the bed.
"You miss your dad, don't you?" Sasuke asked.
"Yeah," I admitted. "I just worry about him when I'm not around. It just makes me feel better when I know he's doing alright."
"Hn," Sasuke nodded. "Do you want some food?"
"Yeah," I said, noticing how empty my stomach suddenly felt. "That would be nice."
"I'll go get you something." He rose from the bed and I grabbed his hand, pulling him down to me. I pressed my lips to his for one quick peck.
"Hurry back." I whispered, feeling a slight smile on his lips.
He nodded and dipped out of the room. I smiled feeling pure joy fill me to the brim.
"I saw that," Naruto's voice startled me. "You liiiiiieeddd, Sakura-chan."
"No, I didn't," I laughed. "We just kissed for the first time today."
"Yeah, but why were you guys asleep together on the couch the other day?" He asked, leaning forward in the chair. "I came downstairs for a drink and saw you guys cuddled up together. Sasuke didn't even budge when I poked him. He must've been pretty comfy."
"Shut up," I scolded, giving him the look. "It's none of your concern, Naruto."
"So are you guys like together?" He wagged his eyebrows.
"I'm not sure," I shrugged. "I hope so, he's just so complicated."
"Yeah, teme can be a bit much sometimes," He agreed. "But as long as he's good to you then I don't see any problem with you guys being together. Kinda makes me a little happy."
I smiled.
"Here you go," Sasuke came back inside. "They just had pecan pie made so I hope you like it."
"Yeah," I smiled, taking the plate from him. "Thanks."
"You're welcome," He nodded.
I took a bite of the pie, tasting the sweetness of it. It taste so good. Too good. I looked down at the plate just to see a regular piece of pie with sugar looking particles spread over it. My mouth suddenly felt numb and tongue swollen.
"Sasuke?" I looked at him as he smiled.
"What's with the look, teme?" Naruto asked, setting on the edge of his seat. "Hey, what the hell did you do?"
I was choking. There was nothing in my throat I was just choking. I looked at Sasuke as I grabbed at my throat. It wasn't Sasuke staring back at me. This persons eyes were blue and full of enjoyment.
"Who the hell are you?" The real Sasuke asked from the doorway. "Get away from her!"
"What the hell!?" Naruto grabbed their collar.
"My name is Niko," His hair began to turn red and I remember his face from the police station. "And my boss sends his regards."
Then he exploded. Blood going all over the walls and all over Naruto and I, even splattering onto Sasuke. I was choking still, trying to lift my hands to my throat. I finally grasped it and began pouring chakra into it, trying to heal it. It helped, I was able to breath. My throat still hurt and my tongue was still swollen, but I was okay.
"What the fuck just happened!?" Naruto yelled, wiping blood from his face. "Who the hell was that?"
"How did he get in here?" Sasuke asked, wiping his face with his shirt sleeve.
"What happened?" Sai asked, coming into the room.
"Some freak just walked into the room and exploded, that's what the hell happened!" Naruto grumbled. "How the hell did that red headed freak get in here?"
"He was a police officer," Kakashi informed. "We were allowed to let him in. We thought he was coming for interrogation."
"Well you thought wrong,"Sasuke said, setting down beside me on the bed.
I wanted to cry. I wanted to lock myself in a room somewhere and I cry. What the hell? I thought. That man just exploded everywhere. His guts are in my hair. Sasuke took the blanket and began to wipe away the blood and chunks from my face.
"Sakura, are you alright?" Kakashi asked. "You look like you're gonna be sick."
"I think I am," I mumbled. My head was pounding and my stomach was twisting into knots. I felt bad. I jumped up and headed to the bathroom where I puked into the toilet. I kicked the door shut and puked again.
That was the most disgusting thing ever. Between that and the smell of rotting flesh, I think I've topped off my list of grossest experiences. I slowly rose and walked over to the sink. I washed my face off and washed my mouth out. I stared at my reflection in the mirror. I look like shit, I thought taking in my sunken eyes and pale, lifeless cheeks. There was a cut on my forehead I guess from the fall. My hair clung to my shoulders, covered in splatters of human guts. I groaned and leaned forward.
"Ugly?" Sai knocked on the door. "Are you alright in there?"
"Yeah," I replied, opening the door."They gave me a high dose of arsenic poisoning."
"What did you do? Puke it up?" He raised his eyebrow.
"Yes," I nodded, walking around him. "It was either that or slowly die."
"How'd you know it was arsenic?" Kakashi asked.
"I've been poisoned with it before," I explained. "Can we please leave? I want a shower and clean clothes."
"Yes," Sasuke nodded and handed me his jacket. "Let's go."
"You guys go on," Kakashi instructed, looking at the ground in pure disgust. "Sai and I will stay back and clean up this mess. Don't forget to take those files with you, though."
I shook my head, putting Sasuke's jacket on. It was splattered with blood, but it was warm and I was grateful for that. I found my boots and slid them on.
We decided to leave through the window, avoiding people out front. It would be strange for three people to roll up in the lobby covered in blood and just exit the building.
It was windy outside and the darkened sky was covered with snow clouds. We traveled down the side of the building with me hanging onto Sasuke's back. The town wasn't completely empty, people were gathered together in certain places where there was warmth. We took the main roads, our appearances being hidden by how dark it was. Sasuke kept me close and glanced at me every few seconds.
The house was dark with no smoke coming out of the chimney. We walked inside and I sat the files down on the end table. I shimmied off the coat and took it to the laundry room. Naruto was starting a fire when I went back and Sasuke was nowhere to be found. I slowly made my way upstairs and took a quick shower. I wrapped myself up in a towel and pulled my hair up into a loose bun. The back of my head hurt and I rubbed it a bit before sighing and leaving the bathroom.
My room was cold, making me shiver. I found a oversized red thermal and a pair of sweatpants that drawled up at my knees. I brushed my hair out and blowed dried it. I was ready for bed by the time my head hit the pillow I was so close to passing out. Then there was a knock at my door.
I jumped up and opened the door.
"Were you asleep?" Sasuke asked.
He was standing in front of the me shirtless and his black, grey, and white plaid pajama bottoms hung loosely on his hips. His hair was wet and hanging in his eyes. And I couldn't help myself.
I grabbed him and kissed him. Pulling him inside, I shut the door behind us. My hands ran all up and down him, taking in every aspect about him. His skin was smooth in some parts, but scars were scattered along his back and arms even some were on his chest. I kissed his smooth neck as he ran his hands up my back making me shiver. Then I realized exactly where I was kissing him. It was the exact same spot where his curse mark had been placed.
I leaned back and looked at his dark eyes. He was breathing heavy and so was I.
"Does it still hurt sometimes?" I asked, touching his neck.
"No," He answered. "It sometimes cramps up, but that's it."
"Does it feel weird not having it?"
"Not really," He poked my forehead. "I have more powers from eyes now so even if I still had it I wouldn't use it much."
"Did your brother give you those eyes or did you earn them on your own?"
"A little of both," Sasuke sighed. "What's with all the questions? Don't I get to ask you some?"
"What do you want to ask?" I shrugged.
"How was training with the Hokage?"
"Difficult and dangerous," I laughed. "She threw spiked boulders at me."
"Does your head still hurt?" He touched the back of my head.
"Yeah, but I can handle it. Don't worry," I smiled, touching his cheek. "Am I the only girl you've kissed?"
"I hardly see how Naruto counts as my first kiss," Sasuke rolled his eyes. "He wasn't even good at it. I feel bad for Hinata."
I laughed.
"Besides you're the only girl that ever truly cared," He kissed me again, but this time slowly. "And for that I will always love you."
"Sakkurraa-channn!!!" Naruto yelled, stomping up the stairs. "Sakuraa-" He slung open the door and stopped mid sentence. He blushed and slammed the door back shut. Then I realize the position we were in.
"Naruto!" I jumped up and open the door. "Naruto!?"
"Haha, sorry," He was making his way back over to the stairs, scratching his head. "Didn't know you were, uh, occupied."
"No, it's not what it seems," I tried to explain.
"We were just talking," Sasuke said, leaning on the doorway. "And kissing. . .and kissing. Don't forget that."
"Sasuke . . . ," I blushed.
"Right," Naruto laughed. "I won't forget."
"So what did you want?" I asked, changing the subject.
"Oh, I was just going to tell you that you and Sasuke have to report to the chiefs office tomorrow for interrogation," Naruto said, continuing to walk downstairs. "I'm gonna call Hinata. See you two in the morning!"
Sasuke and I stood there for a moment then looked at each other. There was an odd feeling of electricity in the air between, causing me to shiver with excitement. The way Sasuke was looking at me made me feel alive. His eyes were dark and seductively full of passion. He reached out to touch my cheek, rubbing his rough fingers across my cheekbone. I pressed my palm against his hand, still on my cheek, and leaned into it.
"I love you," He said, quietly. "With every ounce of my being I swear I do."
I smiled and leaned up onto the tips of my toes to kiss him. Instead, he picked me up by the waist with one arm and planted his lips on mine. I wrapped my legs around him as he pressed me against the wall.
"Maybe you should go back to your room before you do that," Sai's voice announced, spooking me. "It's inappropriate to do those such things in front of others."
"Shut up, Sai," I groaned as Sasuke sat me on the ground. "It's inappropriate to watch."
"Actually-" He began, holding his finger up.
"Shut up!" I groaned, pulling Sasuke into my room and shutting the door.

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