Chapter Sixteen: How to Melt Snow

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Hey guys!! 😊👋 So the next chapter is going to be the last chapter in Recollection, but don't you fear! Part two will arrive soon plus a short story in less than a week! Be prepared its pretty mushy 😌

I think that's all for now, my dears. See you again soon!


Chapter Sixteen:

How to Melt Snow

The coldness of fluffy snow is practically numbing. The only real warmth was coming from Sasuke's hand, which was tightly wrapped around mine. His cheeks were pale and nose bright red right on the tip. He looked like a perfect angel with coal eyes.

We were laying in the snow banks beside of the skating rink. It was late at night and after a wonderful dinner together, we just weren't ready to go just yet. So, with some careful deliberations, we decided to make some snow angels.

"Sasuke-kun?" I said, quietly.


I was staring up at the beautiful star filled sky. With the skating rink closed and its lights turned off, the sky was clearly visible. It was breathtaking.

"Did you forgive your brother?" I almost mumbled.

He didn't answer at first, just continued to stare at the sky.

"Not at first," He answered. "I was angry, more so than I was before, and I just couldn't believe everything I was being told," Sasuke looked at me. "It was like I was having an identity crisis. I started to question everything. Who am I? What am I? What's a clan? What's a shinobi?" He shook his head. "After a lot of thinking, and a few deep minded conversations, I decided to forgive him. To take what he taught me and blessed me with, sacrificed for me even, and begin a new life filled with happiness and hope."

"And did you?" I questioned, pulling my scarf tighter around me.

"Yes," He smiled, his smooth lips curving upward. "I earned my friend's trust back, well most of them, got a fresh start, learned how to let people in, and I'm not looking back. It's my new motto in a strange way."

"That's good then," I smiled, and grasped his hand tighter. "I'm proud of you."

"Sakura?" He looked at me. "Did you ever stop loving me?"


"Well, Ino told me that while I was gone you developed feelings for Naruto," He looked away, a little frustrated at expressing his concern.

"In short, no I never stopped loving you," I explained and after a few moments of thinking. "But in all honesty, I think I did develop feelings for Naruto. I don't think they were ever the type of feelings everyone thought they were. I think it was just like brotherly love. I mean, I never ever want Naruto to get hurt and all I want is for him to succeed. However, I can never see myself kissing Naruto or any kind of act in that sort of motion. I can see myself doing that with you, though," I smiled. "But I did question my feelings for you after you tried to kill me," I glanced at Sasuke. I knew it was still a touchy subject for him, but I knew its what he really wants to talk about. "I thought you were completely lost after that and I thought that I would never get my Sasuke back, but I did. I realized that with everything you were experiencing at the time kind of drove you to it and I understood that maybe I was doing too mu-"

"Don't ever say it was your fault," He scolded, looking at me. "That was never your fault. It was all me and I never had a right to put you in danger! I wish I could take it all back and out of all things I did, even killing my brother, that's the one moment I regret."

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