Chapter Four:

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The school vaguely reminds me of one of those high-security-type prisons you see on television, with the wrought-iron bars, white plaster walls, and sharp edges. I swear, I'm not exaggerating. 

It seriously looks like an old prison turned into a school.

Iron gates surround the fortress of doom; obviously designed to lock the students inside. Two sections of said fence have been pulled open to allow buses and cars in and out. As we pass one of the openings, I look back over my shoulder and stare at the fence -overwhelmed with a troubling sense of being caged.

My mom pulls to a stop and reaches over, patting my knee. "Good luck. Remember, to stop by the office and get your final schedule." 

I wave her off and climb out of the car. As I walk towards the front-most building, an old, withering rectangle of white with dirty windows, I adjust the straps to my backpack and my new, coral-colored shorts -which have been slowly riding up into my crotch.

Instead of following the other arriving students through the four doors in front of me, I turn right, into the front office.   

"You must be the new student." A mousy girl with milk-chocolate skin and thick glasses smiles hesitantly at me.

I blink at her as the door clicks shut behind me. She steps forward, holding out a small slip of paper.

Reluctantly, I take it from her and glance it over; the words, 'Final Schedule', are printed in large, bold letters on the top. I spare another glance at her and realize she's still standing in front of me, rocking back and forth on the balls of her feet  -waiting for me to say something.

I bite back a sigh. "I'm Alice." 

"I know." Her lips stretch into a sheepish grin. "I snooped." 

"So I see." I keep a placid expression on my face and start towards a nearby door. I hope it leads to the courtyard. Footsteps sound behind me and I look back,  inwardly cringing when I see the mousy girl padding after me -her mouth moving. "I'll be your friend for the day and show you around. My name is Miley."

I pause in the hallway and turn back to face her, eyebrows kitting together in a silent question. 

"Yes, I know." Miley sighs and shakes her head. "But I can't sing nor am I famous. And my last name is no where near close to Cyrus." 


Miley snorts. "I know right? My friends used tell me I am like her darker twin. At least, that was before she lopped all her hair off and dyed it..."

Nodding, I zone out as she prattles on and follow her. She leads me out into the courtyard, a vast expanse of concrete with little patches of grass and giant palm trees and benches. In the center of it all, sits a large elegantly designed fountain -spewing streams of water from the mouth of an alligator.

"The school mascot." Miley points to the fountain and lifts one shoulder in a shrug. "The Hampton family donated it. They are one of the richer families; they live up in the older part of town." 

"Fascinating." I try not to sound sarcastic as my gaze travels around the courtyard, taking in all the idiots I will be schooling with. 

Groups are scattered about, mostly huddled under the steel awning connected to the entrance of the cafeteria. Several sit at the picnic tables dispersed around within the covered area and others are crowded around inside the actual building. I don't realize Miley has looped her arm through mine -at least not until I find myself diving head first into a sea of strange looks. I almost run over several unfortunate souls. 

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