Types In Stressful Situations

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─── ・IMPORTANT:. ───

Before bashing on/insulting anyone/anything, please do remember that these are just stereotypes. They aren't supposed to define who you truly and wholly are. You aren't supposed to mold yourself and your life according to this. This is just for fun. Please don't be offended. I hope you will have fun reading this. Have a nice day.
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❛The privilege of a lifetime is
to become who you truly are.❜
―C.G. Jung

Welcome to MBTI Types;
a book dedicated to the study and appreciation of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality types. Please take the test if you haven't yet♡

One of the popular ones is on the website The 16 Personalities

Here, you will find facts, theories, advice, personality sketches, memes, humor, and other content relevant to your type, as well as others.
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MBTI In Stressful Situations

INFP: diligently ignores problem until it's too big to manage

ESTJ: 'exactly as i say, or else'

ISFP: lists and lists and lists and lists...

ESFJ: vocalizes everything they're doing

ISFJ: ♫ move bitch, get out the way ♫

ENTP: too interested by the options to do anything

ISTJ: cool headed, but harsh like ice

ENFP: heart rate over 9000(LMAOOO, THIS IS ME)

INTP: never does anything despite completely understanding the problem

ENTJ: step aside or get crushed underfoot

ISTP: nothing like a full-blown crisis to get back into the zone

ENFJ: assumes responsibility and approaches with logic

INFJ: adrenaline rush or complete paralysis

ESTP: acts first, figures out later

INTJ: devises a universal system to resolve the problem for all time

ESFP: needs space to figure things out

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