Types' Hardcore Showers

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ISTJ:Showers just as long as they need to. Uses store-brand 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioner. Everything has its place in the shower.

INTJ:Uses very hot water. How do they survive. Tell me your secrets

INFJ:Stands on drain and watches water pool around their feet. Takes two-hour showers. Thinks about the meaning of their existence as the steam builds.

ISFJ:Has a gazillion Bath and Body Works products. Sings and dances to Vocaloid and Disney songs that they play on a little speaker.

ESTJ:ALWAYS asks everyone else in the house if they need to use the bathroom first. You BETTER NOT need it when I'm in the middle of my shower. Don't come in. It's mine now. Bye.

ENTJ:They are ethereal beings who do not need to shower. Showers do not fit into their schedule. They probably shed their skin like a snake or some shit.

ENFJ:Uses bar soap. Prefers baths but never has time for them. Is the nice guy who always cleans out the drain.

ESFJ:Night showers. Stands in there for twenty minutes and then forgets to actually put on soap in the first place.

ESFP:Listens to electronic music while showering. Very hot water. Doodles in the mirror-fog.

ESTP:Shaves without shaving cream, just the razor, so hardcore. Flirts with themselves in the mirror while waiting for water to warm up. Slips a lot in the shower.

ENFP:Makes up songs as they shower, but always forgets to write them down later. Faces the water stream while showering. Night showers.

ENTP:Either takes 5 showers a day or forgets to shower for a week. Talks to themselves. Brushes teeth in the shower.

INTP:Enjoys listening to the water running. Once tried to read while showering. Uses showers as a coping mechanism for stress.

INFP:Did not shower for six weeks after seeing Psycho. You know, for safe measures. Now that they shower, they sing anime theme songs and face the stream of water.

ISTP:Always locks the bathroom door when going into the shower, even if they're alone. Nobody knows why. Uses a washcloth.

ISFP:Showers in the middle of the day. Showers with back against the stream of water. Hums while showering.

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