Types WITH Reading books

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INFJs are often very passionate about reading. They enjoy all types of reading materials, whether that be an imaginative fantasy story, a serious non-fiction book, or even researching in depth information online. They enjoy the feeling of being engrossed in a good book and love the time alone to take it all in. Books are a big part of the INFJs life, and a big part of who they are. They also love researching new subjects online and absorbing as much knowledge as possible. They love learning, they are very passionate about reaching a deeper understanding.


ENFJs often do enjoy reading, but may not find the time to read as much as they would like. They love to learn and probably spend some time researching new things on the internet. If an ENFJ gets enough alone time they will definitely enjoy curling up with a good book. Reading outside in a nice nature setting is something that the ENFJ would enjoy. They may enjoy reading to others, as a way to make everyone feel included. ENFJs are often very busy individuals, rarely being able to stop and read as much as they would like.


INFPs rarely dislike reading, it is often a big part of their lives. They often enjoy fiction, but INFPs also enjoy being able to read about different subjects that they find interesting. Maybe a biography of someone they admire, or even psychology topics they find interesting. Anything that may help them understand themselves and other people more, is intriguing to the INFP. They may find their time too occupied with other things to be able to read as much as they like. But the INFP often uses the internet to surf around and read about many different things as often as they can.


ENFPs often love reading, but may find they can only stay still long enough to read in short bursts. They love the chance to learn about new things and will often become engrossed in the absorption of knowledge. ENFPs don't like to stay focused on one thing for too long, so they may jump around from article to article- or book to book. This will keep the ENFP entertained and capable of not becoming too antsy. If the ENFP finds something they truly love, they can often stay focused on it and maybe even find themselves finishing an entire book in one night.


INTJs love to read, as long as it is something they find compelling. They have to be interested and intellectually stimulated for the INTJ to continue reading. They absolutely love learning and will find themselves engrossed in reading about different subjects. If the INTJ doesn't find the subject interesting they won't waste their energy and will find themselves easily distracted. They often desire to spend their lives dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge, and of course reading is a core help in that. Reading about new subjects and interesting information is very interesting to the INTJ.


ENTJs enjoy gaining new knowledge and because of this they may like to read. The trouble is that the ENTJ is often very busy and focused on the future, which doesn't always leave a lot of time for reading. They will often enjoy technical reading, and may find themselves reading something so that other people cannot use it against them. They want to be capable and strong individuals and are very focused on reaching a deep level of understanding. ENTJs enjoy the idea of reading and love gaining new important information.


INTPs often love to read and may have stacks of books in their home. The trouble is they become distracted easily, so they have probably only read about 1/3 of those books if they are lucky. They love absorbing new knowledge, and probably spend hours on the internet reading about new subjects. They enjoy being able to understand many different things, and are very capable of doing so. The INTP spends a lot of their time reading, but may get distracted if they don't find it interesting enough. They often enjoy bouncing from one thing to another in order to stay interested.

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