Types' Snobby behaviour

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ENFP: Disappearing on people.

ENFPs have a lot of feelings but a short attention span - which means their feelings for other people tend to change quickly. Unhealthy ENFPs have the tendency to keep their options open at the expense of other people - they may string friends or love interests along while they consider their many options for romance or the future in general. And as soon as something new catches their eye, they are at risk of disappearing without warning and leaving a string of confused loved ones in their wake.

ENTP: Taking advantage of people.

ENTPs have a knack for quickly picking up on just what makes people tick. And in the unhealthy or underdeveloped ENTP, that knack can take a quick turn for the manipulative. This type knows exactly how to push peoples buttons to get what they want out of them - and they often aren't concerned with how the situation plays out for the person they're taking advantage of. This type needs to learn to reign in their manipulative tendencies before their bad behavior blows up in their face.

INTJ: Assuming they have nothing to learn from others.

INTJs are incredibly knowledgeable - and they know it. Unhealthy versions of this type are prone to narcissistic tendencies, and may altogether refuse to listen to what anyone around them has to say - assuming themselves to be the only competent individual around. This type needs to remember that there are different forms of intelligence and they don't possess them all. Chances are, they have a great deal to learn from those around them - even those they initially deem incompetent.

ISFJ: Unwarranted passive-aggressiveness.

ISFJs like to make others happy - and for that reason, they often feel uncomfortable expressing their own needs. Unhealthy ISFJs may harbor grudges against friends or acquaintances for years - feeling bitter about their needs going unmet, despite the fact that they never explicitly voiced them. This type needs to remember that their loved ones are not mind readers and that their passive-aggressiveness isn't warranted until they've actually raised their concerns.

ESFJ: Gossiping.

ESFJs are interested in what people are doing. And unhealthy ESFJs are interested in judging what people are doing. No matter how juicy a particular piece of gossip may be, ESFJs have to learn when it's simply time to bite their tongues. Many unhealthy ESFJs develop reputations for being warm in person but judgmental behind their friends' backs - and that's a reputation nobody wants.

ENFJ: Interfering with people's personal lives.

ENFJs want nothing more than to help their friends make the choices that are best for them. And unhealthy ENFJs often do so by manipulating their friends to make the choice they believe to be right - regardless of what their friend wants. ENFJs need to remember that as emotionally intelligent as they may be, they need to let others make their own decisions. Getting caught meddling puts them at risk of losing the trust of their loved ones and making the entire situation worse than ever.

ESTJ: Lecturing others.

If ESTJs are anything, it's self-assured. This type is confident in their worldview and tends to genuinely believe that they know what's best for those around them - but that isn't always the case. Unhealthy ESTJs lack the ability to recognize that their worldview doesn't always translate for others - and that they have to be tolerant of other people's choices, regardless of how illogical they may seem to them.

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