Chapter Seven: Honeymoon

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Ashton's POV

I glanced at her from across the less than ample legroom that separated us, partly due to her ridiculously large dress skirts. It was almost comical to see her drag those frilly layers down the aisle, no doubt the design of my extravagant younger sister. Nonetheless, she looked absolutely stunning - per usual. Her stubborn nature surely put a dent in her appearance, though. No one in their right mind would logically breed hatred for me in the way that she does. Any other girl would go through such great effort to be in her position! As direct lineage and heir to the throne, there's nothing that I lack, yet Miss Prissy Knickers was still dissatisfied. The silence in the compartment felt stifling, especially since not a word had been exchanged between us since the god awful, recycled vows. Obviously, I didn't put in any time into personalizing them since we shared nothing personal in the first place.

Never had I imagined that my honeymoon would be so dreadful. I hoped for so much in my life, even falling in love, admittedly. I shot another glance in her direction. I had a strong feeling that she wouldn't fulfill my dream, nor I hers.

"Stop shooting daggers at me with your eyes, lest you end this suffering with real ones."

Her statement startled me. Perceptive as ever.

"Perhaps you could produce a spare from your oversized trunk. You packed as if we were permanently relocating." I spat back.

She always managed to bring my rudest shades out, a feat that few have accomplished so consistently.

"What do you have against me?" She asked in a flat tone.

"I should ask you the same thing." I retorted.

"What have I held against you?"

"You act as if you're the unluckiest girl in the world! I mean, look at you! You're royalty now! You can have anything and everything you want!"

"Except love. Only dense people would relate genuine happiness to materialistic goods." She laced each word with a bitter tone.

"You make everything so difficult."

Her warm, honey brown eyes bore into my icy blue ones, sending shudders down my own spine.

"I'm making this difficult?"

I simply stared back at her for moments longer than necessary, mesmerized by the effect she had on me.

"There's nothing particularly desirable about you, Evelyn, it'd be hard for anyone to fall in love with you when you put such little effort into being, at the very least, likable." I replied, not fully processing the weight of my words.

Her face contorted into one of disgust and pain, making my heart clench. I really should not have spouted that. Regret washed over me in uncontrollable waves.

"Stop the coach." She demanded in a firm voice.

"What?!" I exclaimed, appalled by her request.

"Stop. The. Coach."

"I heard you the first time. I was trying to make you understand your own words."

Reluctantly, she opened the door on her side, revealing the rolling hills of the countryside.

"Evelyn! Have you lost your mind?" I watched as the scenery swiftly passed by.

We were moving fast. I attempted to close it, but she resisted.

"Coachman, you may halt!" I ordered through the window when I realized my efforts were futile.

I couldn't risk having her jump out. I knew she would if not given any other way.

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked as she swung her legs out the door.

"Making things easier. You've wasted enough of my time and tested my pride thoroughly. No, actually, it's my fault for even letting things go this far! I should've listened to everyone when I had the chance. Go find someone who won't make this so difficult for you, Ashton. Maybe there's someone out there who'd willingly love you for the absolute ass that you truly are." She rambled with a quivering voice.

"You can't possibly be serious!" I yelled after her. "You have nowhere to go! Stop fooling around and get back in here!"

She completely ignored me and kept walking in the opposite direction, dragging all types of dirt and debris with the hem of her gown.

"You're wearing a wedding dress!" I exclaimed, hoping that would stop her.

She kept walking as if I said nothing. Or rather, as if I never existed.

I sighed.

This girl... She's truly something if she can get me on the verge of pleading.

"Evelyn, come back!" I yelled once more.

No response. Her dainty figure was moving farther and farther away.

"Please?" I begged meekly.

There was no possible way that she heard that, but the fact is that I tried. If she knew what was best for her, she would have turned around. I looked out beyond the woods that lined the path. The last rays of the sun were peeking out at the horizon. Soon, it would be nightfall.

She is mad if she expects to make it anywhere at this hour, all by herself. Unease erupted throughout my body as all the possibilities of this petty fight ending horribly ran through my mind.

"Your highnesses, it's getting late. We must continue on our journey if we plan to arrive before nightfall." The coachman spoke through the small screen, completely unaware of Evelyn's absence.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. It's only been a few hours and she's already causing me so much trouble as my wife. The contempt she regarded me with couldn't be forgotten, however. I couldn't find the resolve in me to run after her. Perhaps she will be happier on her own, so I should just let her be. Despite all my harsh words, I have never underestimated Evelyn's willpower. She was indeed a difficult woman. Or maybe this was simply a tantrum. She'll come back on her own accord once she realizes what she's done, and I'll be there for her to grovel to.

You can only help someone as much as they're willing to help themselves.

"Yes, please keep going." I answered as if nothing had happened.

Yet, there was still a nagging sensation inside of me that yearned to stop and run after her.

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